Internal Audit Review

Sources of environmental impact data continued

This is the total number of full time equivalent staff on the payroll of Prudential's UK businesses, and does not include temporary staff or contractors. Not all employees are based at Prudential occupied properties.

Occupied space
Due to significant changes in the properties occupied by Prudential's UK businesses during the reporting period, the figure presented will be as at the last day of the review period. No figure is available for Prudential occupied space as at 31 March 2000. In future years, it is intended to disclose a prior year comparative figure.

Investment properties
Figures for utilities, electricity, gas, oil and water, are derived from supplier invoices. Waste and recycling for this year is mainly estimated, as the many service providers involved, including local councils and contractors, produce information of varying content, quality and completeness. Recycling figures are largely based on regional average recycling percentages, except for those properties where more accurate management information is available.

Due to changes in the investment properties held in the portfolio during the period, comparisons with prior years' environmental impacts are not meaningful.

Prudential is the first property investment company in the UK to have obtained energy efficiency accreditation from the Institute of Energy for its property portfolio. The accreditation process includes independent verification by the Institute of energy usage, management reporting and energy efficiency measures.

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