Craigforth Shuttle Bus Service

Airport shuttle

A shuttle bus service has been introduced for employees at our Craigforth site, following a review into the frequency and cost of taxis between the office and Edinburgh airport.

The benefits of this approach are not limited to cost savings. A reduction in business mileage and C02 emissions has also helped to reduce our impact on the environment.

The service is promoted to employees through bulletins on the intranet and via travel co-ordinators and environmental contacts who are based in each department.

Future developments will include the possibility of additional drop-off points en route to and from the airport. This will further reduce the number of staff travelling to the airport by private car or taxi.

Commuter shuttle

A coach service transports employees to the Craigforth site from the surrounding areas and railway station, as well as providing a service to Stirling town centre during lunch hour.

In the course of 2000-2001 these coaches travelled 394,000 miles carrying an average of 514 employees per day. This has significantly reduced CO2 emissions, which would otherwise have been caused by staff commuting.