Summary of Actions for 2002

Environmental Management System

• Update governance structures to reflect new management structures within Prudential UK Operations
• Finalise EMS documentation to enable independent verification of our system.

Employee Learning and Communication

• Finalise and implement a framework for monitoring Learning and Communication performance
• Establish a Key Performance Indicator to measure the success of the Learning and Communication Programme
• Further develop communication tools by updating the environment intranet site to include our Environmental Management System and further best practice notes

Operational Activity Impacts – Occupied buildings

• Set minimum reduction targets in the UK for energy, waste and water for both occupied and investment properties
• Pledge to reduce one or more of our direct impacts as part of DEFRA's 'Making A Corporate Commitment 2' (MACC2) campaign
• Communicate progress by adding best practice case studies to the Prudential website


• Harmonise local targets and set a target for electricity reductions across all Prudential occupied offices in the UK and make this target a MACC2 commitment


• Review water use to identify further actions to reduce consumption and set a UK reduction target

Waste and recycling

• Build on our current UK performance on recycled waste and make this a MACC2 commitment
• To measure quantities of furniture and equipment donated to charity

C02 Emissions

• Confirm the accuracy of the travel collection process in order to set a base line total for future targets
• Develop a carbon management strategy for both occupied and investment properties and examine the possibilities for renewable energy


• Review the success of the pilot car sharing scheme introduced to Reading in November 2001 for possible introduction across the UK.


• Evaluate the suitability of recycled photocopier paper

Operational Activity Impacts – Investment Properties

• Make a MACC2 commitment on energy


• Review water use in order to identify further actions to reduce consumption and set a UK reduction target.


• Review our waste and recycling procedures across shopping centres and managed buildings to further progress the amount of waste being recycled.

C02 Emissions

• Develop a carbon management strategy for both occupied and investment properties and examine Renewable Energy possibilities.

Commercial Activity Impacts

• Examine the possibilities of including product stewardship within Prudential's UK business units

PruPIM socially responsible investment

• Present a recommended programme of action to the PruPIM Executive Management Team in January 2002


• Work with the 60 key suppliers to introduce or enhance their own environmental programmes
• Identify the Key Performance Indicators to measure our success in delivering our environmental policy objectives relating to our UK suppliers
• Complete the UK Procurement Intranet site which will provide on-line details of environmental procedures and supplier questionnaires to help UK business units manage and administer our suppliers