Internal Audit Review
Sources of environmental impact data
Energy use is taken from supplier invoices, which have been
agreed, to meter readings.
Water use is taken from supplier invoices agreed to meter
readings, where available. For the few properties where metered
usage figures are not available, an average has been calculated
based on per-capita usage in related properties.
Waste and recycling figures are largely obtained from the
relevant third party contractors. Some of the figures in this
section are estimates. The amount of waste generated and recycled
is understated, as some recycling initiatives (e.g. IT equipment
donated to charity) are not tracked or measured by weight.
Prior to September 2000, several paper suppliers were used
by Prudential's UK businesses and no accurate tonnage figures
can be obtained. Thereafter, a reduction in the number of
suppliers used has enabled reliable figures to be determined,
and this will continue to be the case going forward. Due to
the varying rate at which the businesses use paper, it has
not been possible to derive an estimate for the six months
to September 2000, and this figure may be significantly understated.
The prior year's estimated paper usage was calculated by a
lengthy manual process and may also be understated.
The mileage totals in this section include several estimates,
as not all businesses operated effective systems to identify
business travel during the period under review. Complex arrangements
with multiple travel agents have also resulted in under-reporting
of mileage. These figures will therefore be understated. The
figures also exclude travel paid through expense claims, for
which mileage is not captured.
Throughout 2001, Prudential's UK businesses have been changing
to use a single travel agency. In future reports these figures
will become more complete and reliable.
CO2 Emissions
Emissions are calculated using average rates for carbon dioxide
emissions. The figures for travel emissions will be understated
for the reasons given above.
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