Using the guidelines published by Department of Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the Global Reporting Initiative
(GRI) we have developed measurement indicators and units to
track our performance.
Data Collection Process
In 2000 we introduced a data collection process to ensure
figures were accurately and consistently collected throughout
the UK businesses via procurement and facilities managers.
An Environmental
Impacts Steering Group was established to ensure the risks
and opportunities associated with the collection of environmental
impacts were managed and communicated effectively across the
UK business units. This group is chaired by a senior manager
from Group Internal Audit who regularly assesses data collated
from business unit representatives.
The figures
We have provided details of consumption for the 12 months
to March 2001. An Internal
Audit review of all operational activity impacts in the
UK was completed in November 2001.
Prudential's total UK environmental impacts for occupied
buildings and investment portfolio properties are shown below.