The Prudentials Environmental Policy Group have
set a group-wide environmental strategy to integrate
environmental management into their operations. Their
aim is to reduce material consumption and recycle wherever
possible, reduce water and energy consumption, raise
environmental awareness amongst employees, encourage
suppliers to minimise their environmental impact through
introducing environmental purchasing criteria, take
account of environmental considerations in investment
decisions, and apply best environmental practice in
building planning, development and decommissioning.
The Euston Road office has set targets to reduce energy,
water and gas consumption by 10% of 1999 levels by the
end of 2001. Waste has already been reduced to 68%,
and the target is to reduce it to 34% of 1999 levels
by the end of 2001.
The Prudential have used Waste Alerts Waste Exchange
to dispose of larger items, such as 50 fax machines
to local community organisations and businesses. Their
computers are recycled through a computer refurbishment
Installing push button taps in bathrooms and movement
sensors in the urinals has already reduced water consumption.
Energy is managed by the TREND building management system,
which enable facilities staff to monitor energy use
around the building and to bring in energy saving measures
where use is found to be high. Savings of 7% were made
in 2000 due to improvements in changes in catering practices,
reducing the size of hot water storage tanks and improving
the efficiency of lighting.
Recycling has been introduced for paper, toner cartridges,
cardboard, video tapes, plastic cups, cans and even
spectacles! Individual waste bins have been replaced
with larger, communal bins between 4 staff placed next
to paper recycling bins that encourage them to think
about which bin they put their waste in.
Staff awareness of environmental issues has been raised
through use of internal emails and the Prudentials
Intranet site, which incorporates information from Waste
Alerts Energy and Water efficiency weeks. Staff
were also asked to contribute their ideas to making
environmental improvements around the building. Posters
have been put up around the building to remind staff
to recycle their waste and to switch off electrical
equipment. Cleaners and security staff have been involved
in implementing new recycling collections, and have
also been asked to switch off PCs where staff have left
them on overnight.