* Not available
Group Procurement within the UK manages two key contracts
with paper suppliers. Both have developed accurate and simple
methods of monitoring and recording our paper consumption.
It is now possible to differentiate volumes of paper for internal
and external use. This is an improvement since 2000 when a
variety of paper suppliers were used by Prudential businesses
in the UK.
Volumes of external paper use can be difficult to reduce
as they can be affected by regulatory or legal requirements.
There is more control over internal use, which is part of
an ongoing reduction programme.
The reduction in paper use is partly attributable to environmentally
friendly measures such as the use of intranet to disseminate
internal news and photocopiers set to copy double-sided by
All paper purchased through the group paper contract is sourced
from mills which promote sustainable forestation.
A recent refresh of the Prudential brand has necessitated
new stocks of paper and letterhead. The opportunity was taken
to source this from a recycled grade of paper made from 50%
pre consumer and 50% post consumer waste.