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BP - Environmental data 2006

Total air emissions: By segment
This stacked bar chart shows total emissions to air, analyzed by segment.

Image with a graph of Replacement cost operating profit: Total air emissions: By segment
Total air emissions: By segment
  Units 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Emissions to Air - Group total (9) Tonnes 1,354,596 1,211,171 1,222,918 1,036,207 886,462 844,431 903,268 763,675
Total Emissions to Air - E&P (9) Tonnes 842,990 710,617 736,682 603,381 488,363 471,130 480,930 429,924
Total Emissions to Air - R&M (2,9) Tonnes 331,099 319,816 275,718 243,127 233,223 174,185 170,076 128,562
Total Emissions to Air - Chemicals (7,9) Tonnes 42,234 36,047 36,776 35,065 34,568 33,722 40,274  
Total Emissions to Air - GRST and Other (3,9) Tonnes 138,273 144,691 173,742 154,634 130,308 165,394 211,987 205,189

(2) From 2003, air emissions for marketing have excluded SO2 and NOx
(3) 'Other' businesses includes aluminum and BP corporate functions/offices. In 2005 Wingles, SECCO, PEMSB and Pasadena which were previously part of Chemicals were included in 'Other' businesses. From 2006 SECCO and PEMSB are included with Refinery and Marketing.
(7) Chemicals business in 2005 is the Innovene business sold as Ineos
(9) Previous reports included CO, particulates and other inorganics for air emissions. These pollutants have been excluded from all air emission totals reported here.

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