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BP - Environmental data 2006

Total air emissions: By pollutant
This stacked bar chart shows total emissions to air, analyzed by pollutant type.

Image with a graph of Replacement cost operating profit: Total air emissions: By pollutant
Total air emissions: By pollutant
  Units 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Emissions to Air - Group total (9) Tonnes 1,354,596 1,211,171 1,222,918 1,036,207 886,462 844,431 903,268 763,675
Methane - Group Tonnes 478,796 366,637 367,201 302,764 246,464 257,527 263,840 236,147
NMHC - Group (1) Tonnes 365,299 367,960 365,043 322,119 268,785 245,078 297,838 225,420
Sulphur Dioxide - Group Tonnes 272,958 234,689 224,541 169,236 150,895 126,364 123,655 106,114
Oxides of Nitrogen - Group Tonnes 237,544 241,885 266,133 242,088 220,318 215,462 217,935 195,994

(1) NMHC - Non-Methane Hydrocarbons

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