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BP - Environmental data 2006

Total water withdrawal: Group
This stacked bar chart shows the total water withdrawal for the Group

Image with a graph of Replacement cost operating profit: Total water withdrawal: Group
Total water withdrawal: Group
  Units 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Total water withdrawal - Group total (8) m3         516,872,770 492,949,227 478,724,386 341,754,668
Potable water withdrawal - Group total (8) m3         73,510,195 75,464,350 80,101,565 57,917,724
Fresh water withdrawal - Group total (8) m3         435,535,334 410,376,000 390,759,986 277,130,218
Reclaimed water withdrawal - Group total (8) m3         7,827,241 7,108,877 7,862,835 6,706,726

(8) New water categories reported for the first time in the charting tool in 2005

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