3i Group plc Report and accounts 2005

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Notes to the accounts

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1 Segmental analysis of total return  
2 Realised profits on disposal of investments  
3 Unrealised profits on revaluation of investments  
4 Carried interest and investment performance plans  
5 Interest receivable and similar income arising from debt securities and other fixed income securities held as financial fixed asset investments  
6 Other interest receivable and similar income  
7 Interest payable  
8 Dividend income from equity shares  
9 Fees receivable  
10 Administrative expenses and depreciation  
11 Directors' emoluments  
12 Pension arrangements  
13 Profit on ordinary activities before tax  
14 Tax  
15 Profit after tax  
16 Dividends  
17 Earnings and net assets per share  
18 Related undertakings  
19 Loans and advances to banks  
20 Debt securities held for treasury purposes  
21 Debt securities and other fixed income securities held as financial fixed asset investments and equity shares  
22 Interests in joint ventures  
23 Shares in Group undertakings  
24 Tangible fixed assets  
25 Other assets  
26 Prepayments and accrued income  
27 Deposits by banks  
28 Debt securities in issue  
29 Convertible bonds  
30 Interest rate sensitivity gap analysis  
31 Currency exposures  
32 Liquidity  
33 Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities  
34 Other liabilities  
35 Accruals and deferred income  
36 Provisions for liabilities and charges  
37 Subordinated liabilities  
38 Called up share capital  
39 Reserves  
40 Unrealised appreciation  
41 Own shares  
42 Restatement of prior years  
43 Reconciliation of revenue profit before tax to net cash flow from operating activities  
44 Analysis of changes in financing during the year  
45 Reconciliation of net cash flows to movement in net debt  
46 Analysis of net debt  
47 Cash flows arising from management of liquid resources  
48 Contingent liabilities  
49 Committments  
50 Special dividend