3i Group plc Report and accounts 2005

Notes to the accounts

Notes to the accounts list

43 Reconciliation of revenue profit before tax to net cash flow from operating activities

(as restated)*
Revenue profit before tax 156 136
Fees receivable and deal-related costs accounted for in the capital reserve 18 5
Administrative expenses allocated to the capital reserve (94) (91)
  80 50
Interest payable – revenue 57 51
  137 101
Depreciation of equipment and vehicles 4 5
Tax on investment income included within income from overseas companies (1) (1)
Interest received by way of loan notes (36) (28)
Additional pension contributions (60) (13)
Movement in prepayments and accrued income 8 3
Movement in accruals and deferred income (18) 17
Movement in provisions for liabilities and charges 7 (2)
Reversal of losses of joint ventures less distribution received 1
Net cash inflow from operating activities 41 83
* As restated to reflect the adoption of FRS 17 – Retirement Benefits and UITF 38 – Accounting for ESOP Trusts. See Basis of preparation.