3i Group plc Report and accounts 2005

Notes to the accounts

Notes to the accounts list

22 Interests in joint ventures
  The Group
The Company
Opening balances    
Cost 111 26
Share of post acquisition retained surpluses less losses (9)
Unrealised appreciation (75) (16)
  27 10
Additions 14
Disposal and repayments (10) (4)
Share of net surplus less losses (3)
Unrealised appreciation 13 8
Currency translation 5
31 March 2005 46 14
Represented by:    
Cost 121 22
Share of post acquisition retained surpluses less losses (13)
Unrealised appreciation (62) (8)
  46 14

The additions to joint ventures were new loans to DIAB Intressenter AB. Disposal and repayments were mostly repayment of loans.

The gross assets of the joint ventures are debt securities and other fixed income securities held as financial fixed assets. The gross liabilities are other liabilities. Details of the Group's interests in its principal joint ventures, which are unlisted and outside the UK, are given in this report.