3i Group plc Report and accounts 2005

Notes to the accounts

Notes to the accounts list

38 Called up share capital
  The Company
The Company
Ordinary shares of 50p each 820,000,000 410
Unclassified shares of 10p each 1,000,000
Issued, called up and fully paid Ordinary shares of 50p each
Opening balance 613,479,159 307
Allotted on exercise of options under The 3i Executive Share Option Plan and The 3i Group 1994 Executive Share Option Plan at between 272p and 664p per share 548,881
Allotted on exercise of options under The 3i Group Sharesave Scheme at 467p per share 155,722
Allotted under The 3i Group Share Incentive Plan at between 564p and 694p per share 225,405
Movement for the year 930,008
31 March 2005 614,409,167 307

The market price of shares on the date on which the terms of the issues were fixed, was the price at which those shares were allotted, except in relation to those allotted under The 3i Group Sharesave Scheme where the market price of the shares was 583p.

There were options outstanding to subscribe for the shares of the Company under The 3i Executive Share Option Plan, The 3i Group 1994 Executive Share Option Plan, The 3i Group Discretionary Share Plan and The 3i Group Sharesave Scheme as follows:
    Number of options Period of exercise Exercise price
31 March 2005   24,943,522 2005 to 2014 361p to 1375p
31 March 2004   22,919,966 2004 to 2013 272p to 1375p

The interests of the Directors (all of which are beneficial) in the ordinary shares of the Company are shown below:
  31 March
(or date of
if earlier)
31 March
(or date of
if later)
31 March
(or date of
if earlier)
31 March
(or date of
if later)
Baroness Hogg 17,355 12,355
Dr J R Forrest (until 7/7/04) 1,500 1,500
P Mihatsch (appointed 7/9/04)
C J M Morin-Postel 2,000 2,000
F D Rosenkranz 30,000 30,000
R H Smith (appointed 7/9/04) 4,200 4,200
F G Steingraber
O H J Stocken 12,825 12,582
P E Yea (appointed 7/7/04) 281,611 100,500
B P Larcombe (until 7/7/04) 836,573 836,390 42,223 42,223
S P Ball (appointed 7/2/05)
M M Gagen (until 23/8/04) 91,055 91,055 9,049 9,049
R W Perry 87,488 63,625 16,206 16,206
M J Queen 319,191 173,832 8,144 27,145
* Represents conditional rights to acquire shares pursuant to deferred share bonus awards granted under the Management Equity Investment Plan, described in the Directors' remuneration report.

The share interests shown above for each of Mr B P Larcombe, Mr R W Perry, Mr M J Queen and Mr P E Yea include performance share awards which are subject to forfeiture and are detailed in the Directors' remuneration report.

In addition to the interests shown above, the executive Directors also have beneficial interests in the conditional rights to acquire shares pursuant to the performance linked awards granted under the Management Equity Investment Plan, which are detailed in the Directors' remuneration report. Each of the employees of the Group (including each of the executive Directors) is a potential beneficiary of The 3i Group Employee Trust and as such is interested (within the meaning of section 324 of the Companies Act 1985) in the shares held by the trust. The trust held 9,888,368 shares at 1 April 2004, 9,530,911 shares as at 7 July 2004, 8,930,140 shares as at 7 September 2004, 12,522,519 shares as at 7 February 2005 and 12,496,297 shares as at 31 March 2005. This number of shares includes the shares over which Directors are mentioned above as having conditional rights to acquire under the Management Equity Investment Plan.

Details of Directors' share options under the Group's Executive Share Option Plans are shown in the Directors' remuneration report.

Since 31 March 2005, there have been changes in the Directors' interests in shares. As at 3 May 2005, each of these Directors were beneficially interested in the following number of additional shares: Mr P E Yea (60), Mr R W Perry (60) and Mr M J Queen (57). In addition, as at that date, the number of shares held by The 3i Group Employee Trust was 12,496,297.