Case study 01 - Aegis Media

Client: Procter & Gamble.
Launch of Gillette Fusion ProGlide. Location / USA.
Carat’s dual task was to achieve 50% pre-launch consumer awareness of Gillette’s new men’s shaving product, the Fusion ProGlide razor, followed by some ambitious post-launch sales targets.

Project / Our consumer insight showed that men are generally sceptical about new razors and new shaving technology, but are receptive to learning about new grooming products from trusted sources. In addition, pre-launch testing of the ProGlide product was very positive, in terms of usage and future potential recommendations. Based on this insight, our strategy was to turn sceptics into believers by enlisting grooming experts, celebrities and everyday people to become influencers. We then used unique insights from our Consumer Connection System to identify the key motivations and touch points of our most valuable targets. These men had the opportunity to try the Fusion ProGlide product for free, at mobile shaving units and through sample distribution, and then captured their reactions. Their experiences with the product were syndicated across a range of media, including print, TV and on-line, and were interconnected with on-line search and social media communications programmes. As part of the campaign, influential bloggers, sports stars and celebrities advocated the product.

The outcome for the client / We significantly exceeded our consumer awareness goals and since launch the product has achieved sales four times higher than the client’s initial targets, making it the most successful product launch in Gillette’s history.
