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3i Group plc
Report and accounts 2006

Total return

3i achieved a total return for the year to 31 March 2006 of £831 million, which equates to a 22.5% return on restated opening shareholders' funds (2005: 15.2%). A key feature of this return is the very strong level of realised profits on disposal of investments where, throughout the year, we have benefited from good market conditions for sales.


Table 1: Total return

Table 1: Total return

(as restated)*
Realised profits on disposal of investments 576 250
Unrealised profits on revaluation of investments 245 245
Portfolio income 232 232
Gross portfolio return 1,053 727
Net carried interest 15 (64)
Fund management fees 24 30
Operating expenses (211) (177)
Net portfolio return 881 516
Net interest payable (17) (42)
Exchange movements 47 13
Movements in the fair value of derivatives (78) 13
Other 19 (2)
Profit after tax 852 498
Reserve movements (pension, property and currency translation) (21) 3
Total recognised income and expense (“Total return”) 831 501

* As restated for the adoption of IFRS.


Total return comprises the total recognised income and expense as stated as a percentage of opening shareholders' funds.

Total return by year (%) to 31 March

2004: 18.8;
2005*: 15.2;
2006: 22.5;

* As restated for the adoption of IFRS.


As indicated in table 2, we have generated a very good level of gross portfolio return of £1,053 million (2005: £727 million), representing 24.4% on opening portfolio value (2005: 16.7%). Each of our core business lines has generated higher returns, with Venture Capital showing the most improved result over last year. Buyouts and Growth Capital are operating at the top end of their long-term target ranges, with returns of 29% and 26% respectively.


Table 2: Return by business line (£m)

Table 2: Return by business line (£m)
  Buyouts Growth
SMI Total
(as restated)*
Gross portfolio return 447 301 341 285 128 76 137 65 1,053 727
Return as % of opening portfolio 29% 20% 26% 23% 17% 11% 18% 7% 24% 17%
Net portfolio return                 881 516
Return as % of opening portfolio                 20% 12%
Total return                 831 501
Total return as % on opening shareholders' funds                 22% 15%

* As restated for the adoption of IFRS.


The Group's gross portfolio return of 24% compares with 17% in 2005. After costs and carried interest, the net portfolio return is 20% (2005: 12%). The reduction of 4% from the gross level is below our anticipated range of 5% to 6%, as net carried interest benefited from significant carry receivable in the year.

Through gearing the balance sheet to an appropriate level, we would expect to enhance total return on opening shareholders' funds by some 4% from the net level. However, given the low level of gearing in our opening balance sheet, the benefit from leverage was below our long-term expectation.


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