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3i Group plc
Report and accounts 2006


3i invested a total of £1,110 million in the year, significantly up on the £755 million invested in 2005. Having entered the year with a very strong pipeline of new opportunities, some significant individual investments were made in the first half, including NCP (£96 million) and Giochi Preziosi (£61 million). The split of investment across our regions reflected our increasingly international focus, with 63% invested outside the UK. Investment, including co-investment funds, totalled £1,322 million. Consistent with our strategy, the most notable increase by business line was within Growth Capital.

Across the Group we invested in 58 new assets in the year (2005: 67). We also increased our investment in established funds to gain exposure to new or emerging markets. We invested a total of £111 million (2005: £26 million), 10% of our total outlay, into these externally managed funds. This included five new funds into which we committed £242 million (of which £97 million was invested during the year), the largest of these being the I2 infrastructure fund (£79 million invested).

The average investment size in the other 53 new assets was £15 million (2005: £8 million), in line with our strategy of increasing deal size within the "mid-cap market" segment.


Table 3: Investment by business line and geography (£m)

Table 3: Investment by business line and geography (£m)
  UK Continental
US Asia Total
  2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005
Buyouts 203 193 248 145 - - - - 451 338
Growth Capital 172 83 234 149 - 3 91 28 497 263
Venture Capital 31 50 55 44 70 48 - 1 156 143
SMI 3 8 3 3 - - - - 6 11
Total 409 334 540 341 70 51 91 29 1,110 755

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