Financial statements < Notes to the financial statements         NEXT >
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1. Accounting polices
2. Segmental analysis
3. Profit before tax
4. Net interest
5. Taxation
6. Dividends
7. EPS
8. Employee information
9. Intangible fixed assets
10. Tangible fixed assets
11. Investments - subsidiaries
12. Investments - joint ventures
13. Investments - other
14. Stocks
15. Debtors - less than one year


16. Debtors - greater than one year
17. Short- term deposits and investments
18. Borrowings - less than one year
19. Other creditors - less than one year
20. Borrowings - greater than one year
21. Other creditors - greater than one year
22. Provisions
23. Financial instructions
24. Share capital
25. Reserves
26. Operating lease commitments
27. Contingent liabilities
28. Related party transactions
29. Post-retirement benefits
30. Aquisition fair values
31. Disposal or termination of businesses