Report of the directors Employment     < BACK   NEXT >

The Group’s employment policies and practices support its overall business objectives by motivating and developing employees to be responsive to the needs of the business and its customers.

The number of Group employees at the end of the year was 43,700 (1999 49,600). In 2000, 166 graduate trainees and 144 modern apprentices were recruited. In addition, there have been 341 undergraduate students in the Company for training periods of between two and 12 months.

The Group operates an equal opportunities policy. The Group’s policy is to provide, wherever possible, employment opportunities and training for disabled people, to care for employees who become disabled and to make the best possible use of their skills and potential.

A particularly strong emphasis has been placed on effective employee communications and there are various forms of employee communication programmes across the Group, each adapted to the particular needs of individual businesses.

The Group consults with employees and their elected representatives on a wide range of topics relating to its overall business objectives. Management and employee representatives hold regular meetings at every location to discuss opportunities and issues of common interest.