Principal subsidiary undertakings Incorporated within the UK     NEXT >

Principal subsidiary undertakings
at December 31, 2000

Incorporated within the UK

Civil aerospace    
Rolls E.L. Turbofans Limited FJ44 engine support services/holding company  
Vickers Engineering plc 1 Defence systems  
Marine systems    
Rolls-Royce Marine Power Operations Limited Nuclear submarine propulsion systems  

Financial services and corporate


NEI Overseas Holdings Limited 2

Holding company


Rolls-Royce Aircraft Management Limited

Sales finance and other financial services


Rolls-Royce Capital Limited 3

Sales finance and other financial services


Rolls-Royce International Limited

International support and commercial information services


Rolls-Royce Leasing Limited

Engine leasing


Rolls-Royce Overseas Holdings Limited

Holding company


Rolls-Royce Power Engineering plc

Power generation and marine systems


Rolls-Royce Power Ventures Limited

Provision of project development capabilities


Sourcerer Limited 3

Supply of goods, services and utilities to the engineering sector


Vickers plc

Holding company


1The interest is held by Vickers plc.

2The interest is held by Rolls-Royce Power Engineering plc.

3These subsidiaries act as agents of Rolls-Royce plc.

The above companies operate principally in the UK and the effective Group interest is 100%.