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Annual report 2000 site map

The sitemap for the Annual Reports 2000 website. Click on the items to go to the relevant content.

Intro page  
Company profile  
Corporate highlights  
Group financial highlights  
Chairman's statement  
Chief Executive' s review  
Civil aerospace  
Marine systems  
Customer services  
Finance Director' s review  
Improving returns  
Results for the year  
Acquisitions and disposals  
Accounting polices  
Aftermarket services  
Risk management  
Contingent liabilities  
Shareholder value  
Board of directors  
Report of the directors  
Results for the year  

Health, safety and environment



Corporate governance  
Going concern  
Payment to suppliers  
Share capital  
Remuneration report  
Directors reponsibilities  
Report of the auditors  
Financial statements  
Group profit and loss account  
Balance sheets  
Group cash flow statement  
Total gains and losses  
Group historical cost profits and losses  
Reconciliations of movements in shareholders' funds  
Notes to the financial statements  
  1. Accounting policies
  2. Segmental analysis
  3. Profit on ordinary activities before taxation
  4. Net interest - Group
  5. Taxation
  6. Dividends - ordinary shares
  7. Earnings per ordinary share
  8. Employee information
  9. Intangible fixed assets
  10. Tangible fixed assets
  11. Investments - subsidiary undertakings
  12. Investments - joint ventures
  13. Investments - other
  14. Stocks
  15. Debtors - amounts falling due within one year
  16. Debtors - amounts falling due after one year
  17. Short-term deposits and investments
  18. Borrowings - Êamounts falling within one year
  19. Other creditors - Êamounts falling within one year
  20. Borrowings - Êamounts falling due after one year
  21. Other creditors - Êamounts falling due after one year
  22. Provisions for liabilities and charges
  23. Financial instructions
  24. Share capital
  25. Reserves
  26. Operating lease annual commitments
  27. Contingent liabilities
  28. Relates party transactions
  29. Post-retirements benefits
  30. Acquisition fair values
  31. Disposal or termination of businesses
Principal subsidiary undertakings  
Incorporated within the UK  
Incorporated overseas  
Principal joint ventures  
Incorporated within the UK  
Incorporated overseas  
Joint arrangements  
Group five year review  
Profit and loss account  
Balance sheet  
Cash flow  
Shareholder information  
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