Mining has a big impact on the manmade environment through its products, the infrastructure that it builds, the technology applied and, of course, the waste products it generates. In line with our commitment to embed sustainable development in our business processes, we have worked at numerous levels to reduce our footprint and increase the benefits to the countries in which we operate.

ExplorHEM system in operation during an exploration programme in Russia.
We have done this by extending the boundaries of our sustainable development programme to include the supply chain, working in collaboration with industry partners and others on concepts of materials stewardship –
which encompasses both process and product life cycles – and on finding ways to innovate and derive additional future business value from product and waste streams.
During the past 18 months, collaborative work on materials stewardship was undertaken by the ICMM. The resulting guidance document has been adopted for use by Anglo American. This systematic framework aids in identifying risks and opportunities presented by both process and product.
Progress has been made in introducing sustainability thinking into the supply chain. Guidance notes, based on the UK government’s framework, checklists and draft policies, are available to build understanding of the specific issues and provide a framework within which these should be approached. The guidelines assist each business unit or operation to focus on suppliers and issues that are material, determined either by value, critical nature of the service or product or the potential risk to the Group’s reputation.
The approach is issue-specific. For example, adherence to the Anglo Safety Way is non-negotiable and must be built into service contracts. This allows us to engage with suppliers on specific issues and work together to achieve the sustainable results we are seeking.
Late in 2006, following extensive and complex negotiations and amendments, Europe adopted new chemicals legislation. From June 2007, any chemicals being imported into, used or manufactured in the EU are subject to REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals) regulation.
Anglo American Group companies participated in a variety of international working groups to assess the potential impact of the legislation and lobbied extensively for pragmatic, risk-based approaches. Ores and concentrates (including coal) are excluded from the registration processes but may require authorisation – and, with it, the need to consider potential substitute products – in the unlikely event that they are classified as priority substances.
Work continues within the Group and between the Group and importers and users of our products to ensure minimal disruption to the markets.