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Report to Society 2006




Air dried tonne


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

AOX Adsorbable organic halides


Antiretroviral therapy


Biodiversity action plan


Black Economic Empowerment ( South Africa)


Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union


Clean development mechanism


Methane, a highly potent greenhouse gas

COAD Chronic obstructive airway disease


Total quantity of chemical oxygen demand


Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies, Australia

CO2 emissions conversion factor

Eskom, the South African electricity provider, changed its factor for conversion of electricity used to CO2 equivalent emissions in 2005. “This is owing to the use of electricity sold rather than electricity purchased figures to calculate the factor.” (Eskom Annual Report, 2005)

CO2 emissions from fossil fuels

Carbon dioxide emissions calculated by applying conversion factors to fuel usage volumes.

CO2 emissions from electricity

Calculated quantity of carbon dioxide emitted in the generation of electricity, which is subsequently purchased by a business unit. Country-specific conversion factors are used in the calculation, unless region or site-specific conversion factors are available

CO2 emissions from processes

Carbon dioxide emissions from point or fugitive sources, excluding:

  • carbon dioxide from coal seam gas venting and spontaneous combustion from Anglo Coal South Africa
  • carbon dioxide from biomass sources relevant to Paper and Packaging
  • carbon dioxide from the consumption of sulphuric acid in the leaching process relevant to Anglo Base Metals refining processes


Carbon dioxide equivalents, which enable the comparison of the impact of various greenhouse gases using CO2 as a benchmark, thereby facilitating impact assessment and trading


A contractor is any non-Anglo American person who is on Anglo American premises under contract for business purposes or anyone providing materials, personnel or services that directly benefit Anglo American and relate to a contract or sub-contract

Controlled activities

Activities for which the managed operating company can set SHE standards and directly supervise and reinforce their application


Carbon Sequestration and Leadership Forum


Figures are quoted in both local currency and US dollars, where possible, or in US dollars. Conversions are done at the time of announcing a project or at an average annual rate and are therefore indicative rather than exact


Decibels on the A-weighting scale, a frequency-weighted noise unit widely used for traffic and industrial noise measurement. The A-weighting scale corresponds approximately to the frequency response of the ear and thus correlates well with loudness


UK Department for Environment, Food and Agricultural Affairs


Environmental impact assessments and social impact assessments


Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

Environmental incidents

Environmental incidents are classified as either:

  • Level 1: minor impact, short-term effect
  • Level 2: moderate impact, medium-term effect
  • Level 3: significant impact, extensive or long-term effect

Fatal injury

The death of an employee or contractor resulting from a work-related injury

Fondo Esperanza A Chilean non-governmental organisation (NGO) that grants micro loans and is partnered with Hogar de Cristo, one of the leading NGOs in Chile


Forest Stewardship Council


Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria: a business alliance dedicated to combating the global AIDS, TB and malaria epidemics


Greenhouse gas



Global Fund

Global Fund for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria


Global Reporting Initiative


Hand-arm vibration syndrome


Historically disadvantaged South Africans – African, coloured and Asian men, and women


Human Immuno-deficiency Virus

Hours worked

Total number of hours worked by employees, including overtime and training, excluding leave, sickness and other absences. Includes the total number of contractor hours worked on site during the year


International Energy Agency

ISO 9001

A quality management systems standard published by the International Standards Organisation

ISO 14001

An environmental management systems standard published by the International Standards Organisation


International Council on Mining and Metals


International Safety Rating System


World Conservation Union

Lost-Time Injury (LTI)

Any occupational injury which renders the person unable to perform his/her regular duties for one full shift or more following the day on which the injury was incurred, whether a scheduled work day or not

Lost-Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)

The number of lost-time injuries, including restricted work cases, per 200,000 manhours worked

Managed companies

Companies in which Anglo American has management control. These companies are individually responsible and accountable for managing SHE matters associated with their operations

Methane emissions

Quantity of methane generated and emitted to atmosphere from point sources and fugitive emissions, as a result of coal mining activities


European Union Directive for the Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals

Restricted Work Case (RWC)

An occupational injury which renders the person able to return to work but unable to carry out his/her regular duties (light duty or light work)


Socio-economic assessment toolbox


Safety, health and environment


Safety, health, environment and quality

SO2 emissions from fossil fuels

Sulphur dioxide emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels

SO2 emissions from processes

Sulphur dioxide emissions from point sources or fugitive emissions

SO4, sulphates

Sulphate is a component of various pollutants such as acid rain and acid mine drainage, generally sourced from the combustion or oxidation of sulphur or substances containing sulphur, eg coal or sulphide ores



Total energy used

Calculated from electricity purchased, biomass, charcoal and fossil fuels consumed


The value added to the materials and services purchased for production


Voluntary counselling and testing for HIV

Water used for primary activities

Total new or make-up water entering the operation and used for the operation’s primary activities. Primary activities are those in which the operation engages to produce its product(s) and include dust suppression within the operational area. This excludes non-contact cooling water used by Mondi


World Business Council for Sustainable Development

Work-related incident

Work-related incidents from controlled activities are reported. An incident is considered work-related if an event or exposure in the work environment caused or contributed to the incident in any way. The work environment includes the employer’s premises and any other locations where employees go to perform work-related activities in the interest of the employer