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3i Group plc
Report and accounts 2006

Treasury and funding risk

3i's funding objective is that each category of investment asset is broadly matched with liabilities and shareholders' funds according to the risk and maturity characteristics of the assets, and that funding needs are met ahead of planned investment.

Credit risk

3i's financial assets are predominantly unsecured investments in unquoted companies, in which the Board considers the maximum credit risk to be the carrying value of the asset. The portfolio is well diversified and, for this reason, credit risk exposure is managed on an asset-specific basis by individual investment managers.

Liquidity risk

During the financial year, 3i generated a cash surplus of £1,089 million (2005: £562 million) from its investing activities and cash resources at the end of the period amounted to £1,955 million (2005: £1,199 million). In addition, the Group had available to it undrawn committed facilities of £488 million at 31 March 2006 (2005: £764 million).

Price risk

The valuation of unquoted investments depends upon a combination of market factors and the performance of the underlying asset. 3i does not hedge the market risk inherent in the portfolio but manages asset performance risk on an asset specific basis.

Foreign exchange risk

3i reports in sterling and pays dividends from its sterling profits. The Board seeks to reduce structural currency exposures by matching assets denominated in foreign currency with borrowings in the same currency. The Group makes some use of derivative financial instruments to effect foreign exchange management.

Interest rate risk

3i has a mixture of fixed and floating rate assets. The assets are funded with a mixture of shareholders' funds and borrowings according to the risk characteristics of the assets. The Board seeks to minimise interest rate exposure by matching the type and maturity of the borrowings to those of the corresponding assets. Some derivative financial instruments are used to achieve this objective.


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