3i Group plc Report and accounts 2005

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New investment analysis

Analysis of the equity, fixed income and loan investments made by the Group. This analysis excludes investments in joint ventures.
Investment by business line (£m)
2005 2004 2003 2002 2001
Buyouts 532 438 376 229 621
Growth Capital 274 349 379 390 428
Venture Capital 144 161 176 420 923
SMI 12 31 - - -
Total 962 979 931 1,039 1,972
The analyses by business line have been amended for the following changes: (i) SMI figures were previously included within those of the business lines to which the individual assets related. These have been separately identified in 2005 and the comparative year 2004, but not for earlier years; (ii) Smaller buyouts which were previously included within Buyouts are now disclosed within Growth Capital, for which all comparatives have been restated; (iii) the portfolio is analysed over the five year period showing assets within the business lines in which they are now managed. Previously, assets were included in the business line which reflected their stage of investment at the relevant balance sheet date.
Investment by geography (3i only - excluding co-investment funds) (£m)
UK 334 309 318 377 786
Continental Europe 341 401 304 312 560
US 51 61 74 119 134
Asia 29 13 20 26 49
Total 755 784 716 834 1,529
Investment by geography (including co-investment funds) (£m)
UK 440 375 399 443 1,006
Continental Europe 433 526 436 446 770
US 51 61 74 119 134
Asia 38 17 22 31 62
Total 962 979 931 1,039 1,972
Continental European investment (£m)
Benelux 24 73 67 64 63
France 91 89 36 84 117
Germany/Austria/Switzerland 124 186 149 146 346
Italy 21 19 32 13 64
Nordic 109 106 69 90 16
Spain 45 34 75 45 131
Other European † 19 19 8 4 33
Total 433 526 436 446 770
† Other European includes investments in countries where 3i did not have an office at 31 March 2005.
Investment by FTSE industrial classification (£m)
Resources 93 11 12 15 67
Industrials 207 219 328 110 256
Consumer goods 195 306 194 206 371
Services and utilities 310 290 197 352 482
Financials 77 33 54 26 55
Information technology 80 120 146 330 741
Total 962 979 931 1,039 1,972