
The business – Amlin London

Progress against operational objectives
2008 priority Achievement

Complete further review of technical pricing to standardise and improve methodologies where appropriate.

Price computation enhanced through greater actuarial input. Pricing models across Reinsurance and Property & Casualty have been reviewed and developed. New models for the bloodstock and yacht classes are now effective and updated technical premium models now in place for energy and specie business.

Complete systems developments to provide faster, more reliable and more comprehensive underwriting management information.

Phase 1 of the underwriters’ workbench delivered, providing drill-down capability for individual classes.

Roll out ECF so that all London market claims are handled in this way by the end of 2008.

All new claims within scope are now handled electronically.

2009 priorities
  • Bed-down new Amlin London management structure and processes.
  • Produce a strategy for Amlin London’s broker relationships. Identify major client initiatives and geographical opportunities.
  • Review risk appetite in the context of Group appetite, including use of RDSs and aggregate limits.
  • Integrate and adopt ARM system throughout the business and build up the understanding of the impact of Solvency II on the business.
  • Enhance exposure management systems and update guidelines for monitoring aggregate exposures accordingly.
  • Establish a consistent workflow process for risk review, peer review and review of endorsements and ensure that performance against the revised timelines is improved upon and meets a consistent and satisfactory level.