
The business – Amlin London

Operating structure

Amlin London is our Lloyd’s platform for subscription business. It is managed on a day to day basis by its own executive team. Simon Beale, as the Underwriting Director for Amlin London, leads the team supported by the London head underwriters and operational management. The head underwriters lead the business unit teams and all have extensive experience in their markets.

Amlin London’s business units reflect the products offered to the market. The former Non-marine division has been separated into Reinsurance and Property & Casualty business units to better reflect the markets serviced and the differing characteristics of the underlying business. Formerly the Non-marine division was headed by Tony Holt, the Group Underwriting Director, who retired in December 2008.

Within each business unit the underwriters focus on individual class specialisms and are supported by dedicated wordings and claims teams. This provides clients with an all round team of professionals who understand their needs. The operating structure is shown below.

Amlin London operating structure
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