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Rolls-Royce Annual Report 2000
Whole report
Whole report file size:1.9MB

Section I
Company profile
Corporate highlights
file size:24KB

Section 2
Chairman's statement
file size:32KB

Section 3
Chief Executive's review
file size: 1.4MB

Section 4
Finance Director's review
file size: 56KB

Section 5
Board of Directors
Report of the Directors
file size: 92KB

Section 6
Remuneration report
file size: 48KB

Section 7
Directors responsibilities
Report of the auditors
file size: 32KB

Section 8
Financial statements
Group profit and loss
Balance sheets
Cashflow statment
Notes to the financial statments
file size: 232KB

Section 9
Principal subsidiary undertakings
Joint ventures
Five year review
file size: 104KB