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3i Group plc
Report and accounts 2006

Our business lines

Buyouts: Gross portfolio return





Focusing on mid-market transactions in Europe, targeting 15 investments per year, each with a value of up to €1bn.
Case studies


Growth Capital: Gross portfolio return




Growth Capital

Making minority investments in established and profitable businesses across Europe, Asia and now the US, investing €10m to €150m per transaction.
Case studies


Venture Capital: Gross portfolio return




Venture Capital

Investing in early and late-stage technology companies, typically in the €2m to €50m range in Europe and the US. We focus on the software, communications, healthcare and electronics sectors.
Case studies


Gross portfolio return for the year to 31 March

Gross portfolio return for the year to 31 March
Buyouts 29 20
Growth Capital 26 23
Venture Capital 17 11

The relationship between 3i's measures of return is explained in detail in Returns and IRRs - an explanation.


Financial performance by business line (£m) for the year to 31 March 2006

Gross portfolio return: Buyouts £447m, Growth Capital £341m, Venture Capital £128m, SMI £137m , Total £1,053m;
New investment: Buyouts £451m, Growth Capital £497m, Venture Capital £156m, SMI £6m , Total £1,110m;
Realisation proceeds: Buyouts £877m, Growth Capital £855m, Venture Capital £207m, SMI £268m , Total £2,207m;
Realised profit: Buyouts £208m, Growth Capital £232m, Venture Capital £72m, SMI £64m , Total £576m;
Unrealised value movement: Buyouts £124m, Growth Capital £60m, Venture Capital £51m, SMI £10m , Total £245m;
Portfolio income: Buyouts £115m, Growth Capital £49m, Venture Capital £63m, SMI £5m , Total £232m;


3i's Smaller Minority Investments ("SMI") initiative, established in 2001, generates returns from some of our older investments. It is our objective to realise this portfolio in the near term. As at 31 March 2006, we held 526 SMI investments valued at £564 million, representing 14% by value and 48% by number of 3i's total portfolio (2005: 807 investments valued at £756 million).


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