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Corporate Responsibilities 2006/07 > CR in our business > Frequently asked questions Print Page

Frequently asked questions

There are a number of questions that we get asked all the time. To make life easier we’ve listed them, and our answers here:

FAQ Our answer
Does Home Retail Group sell alcohol? No.
Are your products tested on animals? No. We sell very few cosmetics or similar products. For the small amount that we do supply, we seek our suppliers’ assurance that the products are not tested on animals.
Does Home Retail Group sell fur? No.
What is your commitment to reducing your carbon emissions and/or are you planning to carbon label your products? We take climate change and our environmental performance very seriously. We are playing our part by setting annual targets to reduce energy consumption, transport impacts, material use and waste volumes. We have an overall aspiration towards zero landfill waste by 2010 which is supported by an extensive recycling programme in our stores and distribution centres, and the Group continues to make good progress in reducing energy consumption.

We are looking at the impact our products have on the environment; for example by offering our customers energy efficient white goods and other efficient eco-friendly products at Homebase.

We are also working with the BRC and with Government to address the implications of climate change in the most effective way.
A lot of your peers seem to be taking far more steps in their drive to be “greener” – when can we expect some major announcements from you on this?

Many of the recent announcements from our peers openly acknowledge that they do not yet know how to achieve some of their targets. We refrain from making bold statements until we have all the facts in place to back up our claims. We continue to work on a number of in store initiatives on which we shall report in due course.

Do you source your wood and timber from sustainable sources? The Group has a comprehensive policy on sourcing wood products, aiming to increase the amount we buy from independently certified well-managed sources and reducing the risk of illegal or undesirable materials anywhere within our supply chain.
What is your position on “Dirty Gold” sourcing? Argos has applied to become a member of the Council for Responsible Jewellery Practice and is working with its jewellery suppliers to demonstrate supply chain scrutiny.
I am a student – will Home Retail Group take part in my research project? The frequency with which we are asked to help with student research has unfortunately led to a policy where we can no longer respond to individual requests of this type. We aim to provide a very comprehensive website, which we hope will answer all of your questions.
How do I make a complaint or comment about a product that I bought in one of your stores? You will find all the information you need on the Argos or Homebase websites – just follow the ‘customer services’ link from their home pages.
How can I get more information than is on this website? You can email us using the ‘contact us’ facility on our website. Please bear in mind that we receive many enquiries from external stakeholders and, while we do our best to respond fully, we are not always able to answer every question in detail.

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