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The purpose of this report by the Board is first to inform shareholders of its policies on directors’ remuneration in operation during the 52 weeks ended 27 April 2002 and secondly to provide details of the remuneration of individual directors as determined by the Remuneration Committees. In preparing this report, the provisions of Schedule B to the Combined Code have been followed.

The remuneration policy, which will be reviewed in the current financial period, was approved by shareholders at the annual general meeting on 5 September 2001.

The composition of the Remuneration Committees is shown in the Corporate governance section.

Remuneration policy
Executive directors
The objectives of the policy are:

  • To ensure that it fairly recognises the individual director’s contribution to the attainment of the Group’s results and objectives.

  • To maintain a competitive package of pay and other benefits which will provide the motivation for future achievement, particularly through reward schemes based on the Group’s performance.

  • To facilitate the building and retention of a high calibre team which will work effectively to achieve the Group’s longer term strategic objectives, especially through the alignment of their interests with those of shareholders through participation in schemes which provide opportunities to build shareholdings in the Company.

In implementing this policy, the Remuneration Committee takes account of information from internal and independent sources and the remuneration paid for comparable positions in FTSE 100 companies. It also seeks regular advice from specialist consultants on the scale and composition of the total remuneration package payable in comparable businesses to people with similar responsibilities, qualifications, skills and experience.

The executive directors’ remuneration is reviewed at the start of each financial period. The main components of their remuneration are as follows:

(i) Basic salaries
These reflect the Remuneration Committee’s assessment of the market rate for relevant positions and levels of responsibility and the individual director’s experience and value to the business. Reviews are considered against market rates of pay and the individual’s performance.

(ii) Performance related remuneration
The Remuneration Committee considers it important that executive directors’ remuneration should include a significant element which is performance based, designed to develop an alignment between the interests of the Company’s shareholders and its senior management and to encourage staff retention.

The Chairman is entitled by the terms of his service contract to a performance payment based on growth in the Company’s adjusted diluted earnings per share, which excludes the effects of exceptional items, measured over a one year and a rolling four year period.

John Clare, Jeremy Darroch, David Gilbert and David Hamid participate in a deferred equity participation plan (“DEPP”) which provides both an annual cash bonus and deferred equity participation. Performance is measured by reference to growth in adjusted diluted earnings per share. A bonus based on the level of growth may be payable part in cash and part in shares, the share element being matched by the Company on a basis determined by the Remuneration Committee. For the 52 weeks ended 27 April 2002, 60 per cent of the bonus awarded was payable in cash and 40 per cent in shares with a one for one match. The maximum bonus payable to the Group Chief Executive is 100 per cent of basic salary for earnings per share growth of 25 per cent with a maximum payable to other participating executive directors of 85 per cent of basic salary. No bonuses are payable unless annual earnings per share growth exceeds 5 per cent.

Shares awarded under the DEPP are allocated to a share bank. After three years, one third of the shares in the share bank is released each year to participants whilst they remain in the Group’s employment. In this way the value of share awards reflects the performance of the Company over a number of years, the participants retain a continuing interest in the shares of the Company and are encouraged to remain with the Group.

Over 400 employees across the Group participate in incentive plans which incorporate an element of deferred equity participation.

The Remuneration Committee does not consider it appropriate for performance to be assessed against a peer group in view of the lack of a meaningful number of comparable companies.

(iii) Bonus arrangements following the disposal of Freeserve
In February 2001 following the sale of the Group’s majority shareholding in Freeserve plc to Wanadoo S.A. (and in accordance with arrangements set out in the circular to shareholders dated 21 December 2000 seeking approval to the sale), the Remuneration Committee approved share bonus arrangements for all employees of the Group’s UK businesses as at 23 February 2001 in recognition of their contribution to the substantial shareholder value created by the launch, development and eventual sale of Freeserve. As part of these arrangements, the executive directors and 35 other members of senior management received awards of shares in the Company, vesting in three equal annual instalments beginning in February 2002, subject to their remaining in the employment of the Group.

All other employees received awards of Wanadoo S.A. shares vesting in two equal annual instalments beginning in February 2002, subject to their remaining in the employment of the Group.

(iv) Taxable benefits
Each of the executive directors is provided with a car and related benefits (or cash payments in lieu) and is a member of the non-contributory Dixons Group medical expenses plan. These benefits are similar in scale and type to those applicable in comparable companies.

(v) Pensions and related benefits
John Clare, Jeremy Darroch, David Gilbert and David Hamid are accruing benefits under the senior executive section of the Dixons Retirement and Employee Security Scheme (“DRESS”). The scheme is a funded, Inland Revenue approved, contributory pension scheme which provides a pension at normal retirement age (60) of two thirds of pensionable salary subject to a minimum of 20 years’ membership. Part of this pension may be commuted for cash at the date of retirement. Membership of the scheme also confers dependants’ pensions, insured lump sums on death in service and benefits in the event of prolonged disability.

In line with the Group’s policy, pensionable salary includes basic salary and the cash element of contractual performance payments. In view of the Group’s philosophy of offering highly incentivised pay systems, the Remuneration Committee considers it appropriate that pension benefits should reflect basic salaries and recurring performance payments which form an integral part of total remuneration.

Jeremy Darroch is the only executive director whose pensionable salary is limited by the statutory earnings cap (currently £97,200 per annum). He receives a non-pensionable salary supplement equivalent to the contributions which otherwise would have been payable to DRESS on that part of his pensionable salary which exceeds the earnings cap.

(vi) Share options
The Remuneration Committee approves the bases on which options are granted to executive directors and employees throughout the Group under the Company’s discretionary share option schemes.

Options are normally granted annually to executive directors over shares having a market value equal to their basic salary. Options are granted to other employees in the UK and overseas on the basis of management grade and to employees with more than three years’ service. Over 10,000 employees currently participate in the discretionary share option schemes.

Options granted to the executive directors under the discretionary schemes may not normally be exercised unless the market price on the date of exercise is at least 20 per cent higher than the option price, assuming exercise takes place three years after the date of grant. For later exercises, the rate of share price growth is adjusted in line with the Retail Price Index (“RPI”). Exercise is also conditional upon adjusted diluted earnings per share having increased by not less than 3 per cent above the RPI over any consecutive period of three years during the life of the option.

Executive directors are also entitled to participate in the Sharesave Scheme on the same conditions as other employees.

(vii) Service agreements
Each of the executive directors has a service agreement with DSG Retail Limited.With effect from 1 May 2001 John Clare’s notice period was reduced from 24 months to 12 months on a pro rata basis during the period ended 29 April 2002. He has received no compensation for the reduction in his notice entitlement. The other executive directors are entitled to 12 months’ notice.

Service agreements do not contain a liquidated damages clause. It is the Company’s policy to ensure that any payments made to a director in the event of the early termination of a service agreement reflect the circumstances giving rise to termination and the director’s duty of mitigation.

Non-executive directors
Non-executive directors are appointed for fixed terms, normally of three years. Their current terms expire as follows: Lord Blackwell 1 September 2003, Karen Cook 2 September 2003, Sir John Collins 4 September 2004 and Count Emmanuel d’André 1 September 2005.

Sir John Collins was appointed as a deputy chairman on 4 September 2001 and will succeed Sir Stanley Kalms as Chairman upon his retirement at the conclusion of the annual general meeting on 11 September 2002. His fee is currently £150,000 per annum.

The other non-executive directors receive a fee (currently £29,000 per annum) which reflects the time which they are required to commit to their duties and amounts paid to non-executive directors in comparable companies. The fee is normally reviewed annually in September. During their terms as Chairmen of the Audit and Executive Directors’ Remuneration Committees, Sir Tim Chessells and John Curry received an additional fee of £3,600 each.

Lord Blackwell is Chairman of the Audit Committee, provides additional advisory services to the Group and is Chairman of its Legislative and Public Affairs Committee. An additional fee at the rate of £40,000 per annum is paid to him in relation to these additional non-executive responsibilities.

Non-executive directors derive no other benefits from their office and are not eligible to participate in the Group’s contributory pension scheme. It is Company policy not to grant share options to non-executive directors or to require part of their fees to be paid in the form of shares.

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Directors’ remuneration          
  Basic salary
and fees
52 weeks
27 April
52 weeks
28 April
Current directors          
Sir Stanley Kalms 740 43 25 808 783
Mark Souhami 195 - 7 202 193
John Clare 500 56 17 573 548
Jeremy Darroch 42 - 4 46 -
David Gilbert 275 25 19 319 297
David Hamid 273 25 17 315 299
Former director  
Ian Livingston 364 29 3 396 372
  2,389 178 92 2,659 2,492
Current directors  
Sir John Collins 87 - - 87 -
Lord Blackwell 69 - - 69 37
Karen Cook 29 - - 29 28
Count Emmanuel d'André 7 - - 7 -
Former directors  
Sir Tim Chessells 25 - - 25 31
John Curry 12 - - 12 31
  229 - - 229 127
  2,618 178 92 2,888 2,619

Ian Livingston’s salary included £71,470 in lieu of contributions to a funded unapproved retirement benefit scheme.

Cash bonuses comprise a contractual performance payment to the Chairman and amounts payable to other executive directors under the terms of the DEPP.

    2001/02 2000/01 2001/02 2000/01
    Gross value
of shares
Gross value
of shares
Gains from
of share
Gains from
of share
Current directors          
Sir Stanley Kalms   473 - 14 8
Mark Souhami   68 - 28 -
John Clare   748 71 14 -
Jeremy Darroch   - - - -
David Gilbert   308 37 190 -
David Hamid   301 30 130 -
Former director      
Ian Livingston   354 30 - 35
    2,252 168 376 43

The gross value of shares awarded comprises shares awarded under the DEPP and shares awarded under the bonus arrangements following the disposal of Freeserve, as described above. The directors received 60 per cent of the gross number of shares awarded. The remaining 40 per cent has either been sold or retained by Dixons TSR Trust Limited in lieu of the directors’ income tax liability.


Directors' pensions          
      Increase in
the period
at 27 April
value of
John Clare     25 226 142
Jeremy Darroch     3 6 13
David Gilbert     10 123 3
David Hamid     17 113 94

Directors’ share interests          
        At 26 June 2002
and family
and family
At 27 April 2002          
Sir Stanley Kalms 3,072,757 411,765 802,683 3,072,757 802,683
Mark Souhami 442,309 58,794 200,000 442,309 200,000
John Clare 1,185,953 678,979 3,003,830 1,204,101 3,003,830
Jeremy Darroch 21,176 76,962 163,385 21,176 163,385
David Gilbert 145,209 280,350 690,507 154,220 690,507
David Hamid 112,521 274,706 686,368 120,403 686,368
Sir John Collins - - - - -
Lord Blackwell 12,000 - - 12,000 -
Karen Cook - - - - -
Count Emmanuel d’André 1,000 - - 1,000 -
At 28 April 2001*          
Sir Stanley Kalms 4,908,282 617,587 808,800    
Mark Souhami 807,063 88,235 217,600    
John Clare 983,072 970,408 2,791,505    
Jeremy Darroch 21,176 76,962 163,385    
David Gilbert 139,649 398,595 738,595    
David Hamid 105,084 390,128 700,892    
Sir John Collins - - -    
Lord Blackwell 12,000 - -    
Karen Cook - - -    
Count Emmanuel d’André - - -    

The directors’ restricted beneficial interests comprise shares awarded under the arrangements put in place following the disposal of Freeserve and shares held in their share bank under the DEPP.

*Date of appointment, if later.

**Restricted beneficial interests were unchanged as at 26 June 2002 except for those shares released from the DEPP on 30 April 2002 and therefore shown within unrestricted beneficial and family interests.

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Directors’ share options
  At 28 April
in period
in period
At 27 April
Date of

Sir Stanley Kalms
Discretionary – performance related 800,000† - - 800,000 19.07.99 334.75p  
Sharesave 8,800 - (8,800) - 25.02.97 98p 255p
  - 2,683 - 2,683 07.03.02 177p  
  808,800 2,683 (8,800) 802,683      

Mark Souhami
Discretionary – performance related 200,000† - - 200,000 19.07.99 334.75p  
Sharesave 17,600 - (17,600) - 25.02.97 98p 255p
  217,600 - (17,600) 200,000      

John Clare
Discretionary – performance related 200,000† - - 200,000 17.02.99 256.75p  
  2,000,000† - - 2,000,000 19.07.99 334.75p  
  173,993† - - 173,993 17.07.00 273p  
  - 216,450† - 216,450 23.07.01 231p  
  400,000 - - 400,000 22.02.93 54.5p  
Sharesave – other 8,800 - (8,800) - 25.02.97 98p 255p
  8,712 - - 8,712 20.02.98 99p  
  - 4,675 - 4,675 07.03.02 177p  
  2,791,505 221,125 (8,800) 3,003,830      

Jeremy Darroch
Discretionary – performance related 46,720† - - 46,720 31.01.00 278.25p  
  49,451† - - 49,451 17.07.00 273p  
  62,771† - - 62,771 23.07.01 231p  
Sharesave 4,443 - - 4,443 02.06.00 218p  
  163,385 - - 163,385      

David Gilbert
Discretionary – performance related 167,764† - (167,136) 628 17.08.98 132p 245.46p
  460,000† - - 460,000 19.07.99 334.75p  
  93,407† - - 93,407 17.07.00 273p  
  - 119,048† - 119,048 23.07.01 231p  
Sharesave 17,424 - - 17,424 20.02.98 99p  
  738,595 119,048 (167,136) 690,507      

David Hamid
Discretionary – performance related 136,552† - (133,572) 2,980 17.08.98 132p 229p
  460,000† - - 460,000 19.07.99 334.75p  
  93,407† - - 93,407 17.07.00 273p  
  - 119,048† - 119,048 23.07.01 231p  
Sharesave 8,712 - - 8,712 20.02.98 99p  
  2,221 - - 2,221 01.07.00 218p  
  700,892 119,048 (133,572) 686,368      

*Date of appointment, if later.

**At the time of exercise.

†Exercise is conditional upon a defined minimum increase in the share price and the attainment of specified growth rates in earnings per share.

No share options lapsed during the period.

Discretionary options are normally exercisable between three and ten years from the date of grant. Options granted under the Sharesave Scheme are exercisable in the six month period following the date of maturity of a three year or five year savings contract. All options may be exercised earlier in certain circumstances.

The mid-market price of a share on 27 April 2002 was 224.5 pence. The highest and lowest mid-market prices during the period were 276 pence and 160 pence respectively.

Each of the executive directors is technically interested in 5,777,608 ordinary shares (28 April 2001 7,776,341 ordinary shares) held by Dixons TSR Trust Limited, the trustee of the employee share ownership trust.

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