Shareholder Information


Annual Report and Accounts

National Grid Transco shareholders will automatically be sent an Annual Review each year, unless they have opted to receive the Annual Report and Accounts. If you wish to receive the Annual Report and Accounts, a larger document containing more detailed information, or wish to stop receiving the larger document and instead receive the shorter Annual Review, you should contact Capita Registrars.

For the assistance of visually impaired shareholders, audio tape, braille and large print versions of the Annual Review are available. If you wish to receive any of these documents please contact Capita Registrars.


Electronic communication

As an alternative to receiving the Annual Review or Annual Report and Accounts through the post, you can choose to receive an email notifying you of their availability and retrieve them electronically.

For more information and to register please visit

For each shareholder choosing to receive annual documents electronically, National Grid Transco sponsors Climate Saver Projects. These projects are managed by Future Forests Ltd as part of its CarbonNeutral® programme and aim to reduce CO2 emissions or absorb CO2. For more information on Climate Saver Projects please visit the Group website


Share dealing

A low-cost share dealing service is available from Capita Registrars allowing you to buy or sell National Grid Transco shares by telephone or on-line. These methods allow you to know the price of the trade at the time of dealing.

For more information call 0870 458 4577 (8am - 4.30pm) or visit

A postal dealing service is also available, for a dealing form please call 0870 162 3116.

These details are provided for information only and any action you take is at your own risk. If you have any doubt as to the action you should take, you are recommended to seek your own financial advice from your stockbroker, bank manager, accountant or other financial adviser authorised pursuant to the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.


Individual Savings Accounts

Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) for National Grid Transco are available.

Options include:

  • National Grid Transco Maxi stocks and shares ISA (£7,000 for tax year 2005/06);
  • National Grid Transco Mini stocks and shares ISA (£4,000 for tax year 2005/06).

National Grid Transco cannot advise you on what action you should take.

Further information may be obtained from the Account Manager:
National Grid Transco, Stocktrade, 81 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3ES
Telephone 0131 240 0443



If you hold only a few shares and feel that it would be uneconomical or simply not worthwhile to sell them then you could consider donating your shares to charity via ShareGift.

ShareGift, a registered charity no. 1052686, specialises in accepting donations of small numbers of shares. Since its launch in 1996, ShareGift has given millions of pounds to hundreds of different UK charities. Without ShareGift, this money would remain locked up in unwanted shares and would never otherwise reach charities.

To find out more visit or call 020 7337 0501. Alternatively contact Capita Registrars who can help arrange the transfer of your shares.


Shareholder networking

National Grid Transco continues its innovative programme allowing shareholders to learn more about the business by visiting operational sites and meeting Directors and staff. These visits allow us to explain the business to you in person. This year's visit, planned for 5 and 6 December 2005, will include the National Grid Control Centre (electricity transmission) and the gas holder site at Southall.

If you would like to take part in this visit, please write to:
Shareholder Networking Organiser, NGT House, Warwick Technology Park,
Gallows Hill, Warwick CV34 6DA.

Participants will be selected from those applying, with priority given to those who have not previously attended.



Information about the Group is also available on our website at Share price information, previous Annual Report and Accounts and other shareholder information can be found in the Investors section of the site.

Information relating to capital gains tax base prices for the Group and its predecessors can also be found on the website.


Analysis of shareholdings

The following analysis of shareholders and shareholdings is at 18 May 2005:

Size of shareholding
of holders
% of
of shares
% of
1,000,001 and above3080.022,501,173,67580.94



With effect from 4 October 2004 Capita Registrars took over the management of National Grid Transco's share register, replacing Lloyds TSB Registrars.

Any queries from ordinary shareholders should be directed to
Capita Registrars:
National Grid Transco Share Register,
Capita Registrars,
Northern House,
Woodsome Park,
Fenay Bridge,
Huddersfield HD8 0LA

Telephone 0870 242 2379 (from outside the UK +44 20 7098 1198)
Textphone 18001 0870 242 2379
Fax 0870 240 1286 (from outside the UK +44 1484 600 702)

Any queries from holders of American Depositary Shares should be
directed to The Bank of New York:
The Bank of New York,
Shareholders Correspondence,
PO Box 11258,
Church Street,
New York NY 10286-1258

Telephone 1-800-466-7215 (for international calls +1-610-382-7836)


Share price

The following graph shows the movement of the Group's share price during the 2004/05 financial year:


Financial calendar

The following dates have been announced or are indicative of future dates:
8 June 2005Ordinary shares go ex-dividend
10 June 2005Record date for 2004/05 final dividend
25 July 2005Annual General Meeting
24 August 2005Payment date for 2004/05 final dividend
17 November 20052005/06 interim results
30 November 2005Ordinary shares go ex-dividend
2 December 2005Record date for 2005/06 interim dividend
25 January 2006Payment date for 2005/06 interim dividend
June 2006Ordinary shares go ex-dividend
June 2006Record date for 2005/06 final dividend
July 2006Annual General Meeting
August 2006Payment date for 2005/06 final dividend


Registered office

1-3 Strand,
London WC2N 5EH,
United Kingdom

Registered in England and Wales No. 4031152
