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Corporate Responsibilities 2006/07 > Customers > Snippets Print Page


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In October 2006, Argos and Homebase joined forces with other retailers to promote a Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) trial to collect used batteries from customers’ in-store. The trial is taking place in Swansea, Eastleigh and Perth & Kinross.
directory enquiries logoArgos and Homebase support directenquiries.com, a nationwide access register which provides a one-stop information centre for people with specific store access needs.
FSC logo

Argos ensures that all the pulp used to make its paper for our catalogues and promotional leaflets comes from legal sources in Europe. In addition, in the last year, 13% or 12,000 tonnes of paper came from post-consumer recycled sources. We are continuing to look for ways to increase this.
Waterwise logoWe introduced our “WaterWise” awareness campaign at Homebase in response to the summer drought of 2006, which had real implications for DIY retailers as customers changed their use of water. This provided useful information on the water restrictions and clearly labelled products that made it easy for customers to adapt to the drought (e.g. drought tolerant plants and mulches).

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