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Corporate Responsibilities 2006/07 > City > Managing product carbon Print Page

Managing product carbon

We sell a lot of products that use energy. Large and small, the range and choice we offer our customers is substantial - from LCD televisions, to fridge freezers to hair dryers and mobile phones. We recognise that when our customers use these products that they are indirectly contributing to climate change through the use of energy.

Whilst we do not believe that it is our place as a retailer to tell our customers what to do, we do acknowledge that we have a role to play in providing information and enabling them to make an informed choice about the products they buy. We have already seen a variety of ‘carbon labelling’ schemes come onto the market and increasing pressure from the Government on this issue. We support Government moves to encourage better information and greater transparency across the industry.

However, we will not implement any scheme until we fully understand the needs of our customers and the implications of changes we may need to make to our product ranges. A natural place to start on this journey is to highlight to our customers products that are energy efficient. For example, we have provided simple labelling and guidance in the Argos catalogue.

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