Report on Directors' Remuneration and Related Matters Continued

£’000 £’000

Emoluments - salary 2,529 2,144
- taxable benefits in kind 150 138
- performance related bonuses 395 368
- non-executive directors 262 162
- pension contributions 83 75

3,419 2,887
Pensions in respect of former directors 151 141

3,570 3,028

The following table shows an analysis of the remuneration of the individual executive directors.

Annual Taxable Total Total
Salary Bonus Benefits 1999 1998
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Lord Wolfson of Sunningdale (note 1) 473 18 491 405
E. M. Barnes (note 2) 265 18 283 277
V. J. Barnett 303 121 424 363
D. G. Bury (note 3) 228 23 14 265 245
T. Duddy (note 4) 104 21 7 132 -
P. M. Harris 300 31 331 300
J. W. Peace (note 5) 358 99 15 472 299
A. J. Smart 97 77 7 181 158
D. A. Tyler 250 25 12 287 233
P. L. Weigh 151 29 12 192 163
A. Hutchinson (note 6) 59
S. T. Peacock (note 7) 141

The following table provides details of the emoluments of the individual non-executive directors. There were no taxable benefits other than those disclosed in note 8 below.

1999 1998
£’000 £’000

Sir Victor Blank (note 8) 150 78
J. P. Charkham 30 26
Lord Harris of Peckham 25 22
Lady Patten of Wincanton 30 25
Dr. A. W. Rudge (note 9) 27 11

  1. Lord Wolfson of Sunningdale was a non-executive director at an annual salary of £390,000. This salary remained unchanged until 1 June 1998 when it was increased to £490,000 pa.
  2. Mr E.M. Barnes has indicated a desire to scale down the pace of his work and it has been agreed that, with effect from 1 April 1999, he will devote less time to the business. His salary, reduced to reflect this new arrangement, will be £154,500 pa.
  3. Mr. D. G. Bury was appointed to the Board as Group Commercial Director and Treasurer on 14 April 1997.
  4. Mr. T. Duddy, Chief Executive, Argos Distributors Limited, was appointed to the Board on 3 November 1998 at an annual salary of £250,000.
  5. Mr. J. W. Peace, Chief Executive of Experian, was appointed to the Board on 25 June 1997.
  6. Mr. A. Hutchinson resigned as a director on 25 June 1997.
  7. Mr. S. T. Peacock retired on 15 December 1997. During the year under review he was paid £232,000 for consultancy services under an agreement which terminated on 31 March 1999.
  8. The remuneration reported for Sir Victor Blank consists of remuneration as a non-executive director and with effect from 1 November 1997 a consultancy fee a the rate of £125,000 pa. He also has the use of a company car, the taxable benefit on which for the year under review was £16,000.
  9. Dr. A. W. Rudge was appointed to the Board on 1 November 1997. On 1 April 1999 he became the non-executive Deputy Chairman of Experian's Global Board for which he will receive remuneration of £122,500 pa. This is in addition to his remuneration as a non-executive director of the company.