Report on Directors' Remuneration and Related Matters Continued 

Directors' Pension Entitlements
The Company provides pension benefits for executive directors on a final salary basis. The executive directors in the United Kingdom, with the exception of the Chief Executive of Argos whose pension arrangements are explained below, are entitled to membership of the GUS Pension Scheme which will provide them on retirement at age 65, with a pension of up to two thirds of their final salary subject to Inland Revenue limits. They are entitled to convert part of their pension into a lump sum cash payment, receive life assurance cover of four times salary during employment, receive pensions payable in the event of illness, and pensions payable to dependants upon death.

Historically, bonuses normally formed a relatively small part of overall remuneration, and in certain cases, it has been established Company policy to include bonuses within the definition of pensionable remuneration. Bonuses payable remained a part of pensionable remuneration of two directors, Mr. J. W. Peace and Mr. P. L. Weigh, who were in office at 31 March 1999. However, benefits derived from executive share option schemes and long term incentive plans are not pensionable. Company contributions to the UK Pension Scheme re-commenced with effect from 1 January 1999, thereby bringing to an end the contributions holiday of recent years. This decision was taken in consultation with the Scheme's actuaries.

Lord Wolfson of Sunningdale has a deferred pension in respect of a prior period of employment by the Group which will be recognised in calculating his pension on retirement after vesting over a three year period. He will receive from the Pension Scheme the maximum pension which the Trustees are able to pay, having regard to Inland Revenue limits, with the balance of the entitlement to be provided from the Company's own resources on an unfunded basis. During the year an amount of £448,000 was charged against profit to provide for this unfunded arrangement.

Other executive directors affected by the pensions cap have available to them a Funded Unapproved Retirement Benefit Scheme ('FURBS') designed to provide pension benefits in excess of the Inland Revenue cap and place them in broadly the same position as directors whose pension is unaffected by this cap. Alternatively, there is the choice of an unfunded commitment on the part of the Company to provide benefits in excess of the cap.

A FURBS has been provided for Mr. D. A. Tyler, the cost of which in the year to 31 March 1999 was £83,000.

Mr. D. G. Bury has an unfunded commitment from the Company that it will provide pension benefits in excess of the pensions cap. During the year an amount of £51,000 was charged against profit in order to provide for this unfunded arrangement.

Mr. V. J. Barnett has an unfunded pension arrangement for which provision has been made in the financial statements. During the year an amount of £79,000 was charged against profit in order to provide for this unfunded arrangement.

Mr. A. J. Smart is a member of the pension scheme operated by the Company's South African subsidiary. Contributions to this scheme on his behalf in the year under review amounted to £12,000. He also enjoys membership of the UK Scheme by reference to that part of his remuneration which relates to services performed in the UK.

Mr. T. Duddy is a member of the Argos Pension Scheme which will provide him on retirement at age 60 with a pension of up to two thirds of the pensions cap subject to other Inland Revenue limits. In addition, his contract provides for the choice of a funded or unfunded scheme to provide benefits in excess of the pensions cap. During the year an amount of £28,000 was charged against profit in order to provide for this arrangement.

The disclosure of directors' pension entitlements in the following table, covering benefits provided through tax exempt pension schemes and unfunded arrangements, complies with the rule of The London Stock Exchange which reflect recommendations made by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.

Accrued Pension Details

Transfer value of
the increase in accrued pension
in the year to
31 March 1999
Increase during
year to
31 March 1999
Accumulated total as at
31 March 1999
(see notes)

Lord Wolfson of Sunningdale 53 116 811
E. M. Barnes 18 192 281
D. G. Bury 6 12 80
T. Duddy (note 1) 4 4 39
P. M. Harris 27 177 492
J. W. Peace 56 176 762
A. J. Smart (note 2) 1 2 8
D. A. Tyler 2 3 13
P. L. Weigh 13 93 182
US$’000 US$’000 US$’000
V. J. Barnett - 164 -
Rand ’000 Rand ’000 Rand ’000
A. J. Smart 178 443 1,299

  1. Pension accrual since joining the Board on 3 November 1998.
  2. In respect of UK earnings.
  3. Accrued pension at age 65, the normal retirement age

The accrued pension at 31 March 1999 represents the amount of pension to which the director would have been entitled, had he left the group at that date.

The actuarial value of the increase in accrued pension is calculated as the amount of cash required to secure that increase in accrued pension.

The transfer value represents a liabilty of the pension provider, not a sum paid or due to the individual.

Four former directors receive, from the Company, pensions additional to those provided by the UK Pension Scheme. The total paid under these arrangements was £151,000, the future cost of which is fully provided for in the financial statements on the basis of independent actuarial advice.

Directors' Interests
The beneficial interests of the directos together with non-beneficial interests in the Ordinary shares of the Company are shown below in sections (i) and (ii). Share options granted to directors are shown in the main Report on Directors' Remuneration and Related Matters. The directors have no interests in the unsecured loan notes of the Company or in any shares or debentures of the Company's subsidiaries.

31 March 1999 1 April 1998

(i)Beneficial holdings
Lord Wolfson of Sunningdale 331,508 331,508
E. M. Barnes 7,200 7,200
V. J. Barnett 1,521,668 1,521,424
Sir Victor Blank 20,000 20,000
D. G. Bury 3,000 3,000
J. P. Charkham 5,000 5,000
Lord Harris of Peckham 107,200 107,200
P. M. Harris 13,000 13,000
D. A. Tyler 2,500 2,500
P. L. Weigh 1,000 1,000
(ii)Non-beneficial holding
Lord Wolfson of Sunningdale 791,380 791,380

On behalf of the Board

Lady Patten of Wincanton
Chairman - Remuneration Committee
16 June 1999