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Notes to the financial statements

1. Accounting policies

2. Divisional analysis

3. Geographical analysis

4. Net operating expenses

5. Exceptional items

6. Net interest

7. Profit on ordinary activities before taxation

8. Tax on profit on ordinary activities

9. Profit on ordinary activities after taxation

10. Dividends

11. Basic and diluted earnings per share

12. Goodwill

13. Other intangible assets

14. Tangible assets

15. Investment in joint venture

16. Fixed asset investments

17. Stocks

18. Debtors

19. Securitised receivables

20. Current asset investments

21. Creditors - amounts due within one year

22. Creditors - amounts due after more than one year

23. Loans and overdrafts

24. Provisions for liabilities and charges

25. Called up share capital

26. Reserves

27. Commitments

28. Contingent liabilities

29. Related party transactions

30. Foreign currency

31. Notes to the Group cash flow statement

32. Acquisitions

33. Financial instruments

34. Employees

35. Share options and awards

36. Pensions and other post-retirement benefits


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