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Annual Review 2007

World leading brands

187 years old: Johnnie Walker
24 years old: Captain Morgan
33 years old: Baileys
258 years old: J&B
249 years old: José Cuervo
177 years old: Tanqueray
248 years old: Guinness
147 years old: Smirnoff

10 years old

Formed in 1997, Diageo is the world’s leading premium drinks business with an outstanding collection of brands,
including: Smirnoff, Johnnie Walker, Captain Morgan, Baileys, J&B, José Cuervo, Tanqueray, Crown Royal, Guinness and Beaulieu Vineyard.

Today, Diageo is in the unique position of having significant offerings across total beverage alcohol – spirits, beer and wine – meaning customers and consumers alike can rely on Diageo to help them celebrate life, every day, everywhere.

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Diageo's legacy
World leading brands
Chairman's review
Chief executive's review
Operating review by region

Annual Review and summary financial statement

This Annual Review and the summary financial statement do not contain sufficient information to allow as full an understanding of the results of the group and state of affairs of the company or of the group as is provided by the full financial statements, directors' report, directors' remuneration report and report of the auditor contained in the Annual Report.

Any shareholder or debenture holder requiring more detailed information has the right to obtain, free of charge, a copy of the company's Annual Report by contacting the company at 8 Henrietta Place, London W1G 0NB (telephone +44 (0)20 7927 5200).

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