Operating & Financial Review
People - growing our capability and skill |
Initiatives for 2006
During 2006, we are continuing to work towards our employee goals with the
following objectives:
- The design and implementation of a leadership development programme to provide directors and senior managers with tailored personal development and to raise the level of leadership capability across the Group;
- The design and implementation of changes to the Group's reward and remuneration arrangements, specifically with regard to the pension schemes and incentive arrangements highlighted by the reviews conducted in 2005;
- Reviewing and updating the Group succession plan to reassess the risk and impact of key staff leaving the organisation, the identification of contingency and longer-term successors and the identification of skill gaps and other areas of risk;
- Embedding the core values that have been developed during 2005 with a view to helping sustain for the long term the qualities which have contributed to the Company's success;
- Managing a further MORI employee opinion survey to measure staff morale and track performance against our
2004 survey;
- Further development of 'core-curricula' matrices, to include know-how capability and competency requirements, for all key technical functions;
- Developing a long-term 'talent management' strategy to make the organisation uniquely attractive to talent
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