Amlin is committed to becoming the global reference point for quality in our markets and
we recognise the primary importance of client feedback, both in achieving this aim and as a key differentiator in the London market. In 2005, we have concentrated on two areas: developing our understanding of client needs and measuring and improving our service to brokers and insureds in
the key areas of access, policy issuance and contract certainty, and claims settlement.
Our client profile
Amlin accesses business from a diverse range of clients worldwide with the majority being introduced by brokers. They provide a global distribution network and, because of their familiarity with Amlin, act as an efficient conduit. In 2005 over 94% of our business was sourced through Lloyd's brokers, with only £54.7 million of premium derived directly from commercial and individual customers.
Gross premium income by broker
Business source by division 2004/5
Method of accpetance
Business led in 2004/5

Treating customers fairly
Hurricanes were not the only natural catastrophes to cause devastation in 2005. Extreme monsoon flooding in the Indian sub-continent caused significant infrastructure damage and in July 2005, the vicinity of Mumbai and the state of Maharashtra were badly affected. Insured losses are estimated to be some US$ 500million.
Amlin has for the past four years led the Lloyd's catastrophe reinsurance programme whereby The General Insurance Company ("GIC") of India buys cover for flood and earthquake perils. Thus far it had been standard industry practice for the primary insurer to pay claims, provide proof of payment to the reinsurer and then gain the contracted level of recompense.
However in the case of this major catastrophe, (and similarly with Hurricanes Katrina and Rita) the original insurer needed to make large volumes of payments quickly, for both practical and humanitarian reasons. As lead underwriter on the reinsurance programme, we took the view that the Syndicate should provide staged advance payments to GIC, without waiting for the usual documentation. This additional cash flow enabled them to improve the situation
for their insureds.
Mike Hernandez, Non-Marine Director at Cooper Gay, GIC's London broker commented, "The reinsurance leaders of the programme reacted fantastically to this complex and unique loss, rapidly making funds available to GIC and forming quick conclusions on the type of loss this was and how it should be recovered. There is no doubt that this set the standard for all recoveries on the many reinsurance programmes emanating from India." Mr. R.K. Joshi, Chairman of GIC has thanked Amlin "for the assistance rendered in providing capacity to the Indian market, the unique support for expeditious settlement of monsoon floodplains and for being the catalyst for a cascading effect on other leading international reinsurers."
We believe this flexible approach is in the spirit of what the FSA has termed "treating customers fairly". It may also serve to encourage other insurers to buy appropriate levels of reinsurance cover for the future.
The graphs below show the continuity of our broker relationships year-on-year, the high percentage of renewal business generated from those relationships and the market leadership position which Amlin retains in each major business area. We aim to be flexible in our broker relationships and our preference for specific direct risk and treaty reinsurance, where we have full control over the acceptance of risk and tend to have a relationship with the ultimate insured or reinsured is also shown. |