Continuity in an uncertain world

For the last four years our primary strategy has been to create value by building Amlin to become a leading insurer in the London Market, recognised by insureds and insurance brokers as a first choice for leading risks in our chosen fields of expertise. In so doing our aim has been to achieve returns for our shareholders over the insurance cycle that are superior to our peers.


Charles Philipps


Intermediary relationships
Amlin sources most of its business from London market brokers, which through their international networks provide access to business from around the world. The brokers know us well and act as an excellent source of business, so that our underwriters are focussed on assessing risks in areas where Amlin wants to underwrite and where we have specialist skills.

Consolidation among brokers over the years has resulted in an increased reliance on fewer brokers and we expect this trend to continue. Strategically, and to support our long term growth ambitions, it is therefore important that Amlin continues to strengthen its relationships and status as a preferred market. We will also seek to broaden our relationships where it makes sense to do so.


Our size, security, underwriting expertise and the considerable progress we have made operationally over the past few years gives us an excellent platform on which to build our preferred market status, by firmly gripping and improving the level of service we offer brokers and insureds.

The London market has often been criticised for its poor levels of service in areas such as certainty of contract and claims settlement. Amlin is determined to do what it can to address this, and we are engaged with some of our key broker relationships in process improvement initiatives in the claims and policy production areas. We have set ourselves stretching internal targets against which we will benchmark our performance. In achieving our objectives we intend to use technology to help remove duplicated processes and extract efficiency gains that will benefit both Amlin and brokers. It should also allow our brokers and ourselves to deliver greater efficiency and certainty to insureds. Progress and plans in this area are discussed further in the Operating and financial review.

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A non-Lloyd’s business
Over the past two years we have kept under review potential options for extending our activities beyond Lloyd’s. Lloyd’s now enjoys a considerably strengthened position in the global insurance market and we are major supporters of its Franchise regime. In the long term however, our growth may result in Amlin exceeding limitations set by Lloyd’s for any one of its franchisees and scale benefits may outweigh the costs associated with Lloyd’s mutuality.

We have looked and will continue to look for acquisitions which could help our strategic ambition but we tread cautiously, fully aware of the pitfalls which have damaged shareholder value for so many acquirers in our industry, particularly as a result of reserving deficiencies. Over the next few years however, we expect to generate significant positive cash flow which will give us the option of investing surpluses in a new non-Lloyd’s entity.

Amlin’s significant progress over recent years is the result of an exceptionally strong effort by a team determined to deliver superior performance and the Group’s strategic objectives. One of our key strategic objectives is to be ‘the place to work’ in our marketplace and, over the past three years we have improved our position significantly, which is reflected in low employee turnover ratios. We will continue to work on means of truly satisfying this objective, with a view to sustaining the quality and motivation of our people. This is critical to our long term success as we continue to set ourselves stretching targets to benefit all stakeholders and build long term shareholder value.

With each year’s progress we increase Amlin’s potential and we look forward with increasing confidence. I would like to reiterate the message of the Chairman and thank all those who have contributed, and continue to contribute to our successful development.