Continuity in an uncertain world


The balance sheet assets and liabilities in the table below have been restated to take account of the change of treatment of own shares held by the ESOT that has been adopted in the 2003 Report & Accounts.


Managed capacity (year of account) 999.6 799.7 574.5 538.0 568.0
Amlin share 861.6 578.3 400.1 310.8 216.1

Continuing operations
Gross premiums written 937.4 712.8 585.0 340.7 161.4
Net premiums written 787.6 569.9 485.1 268.0 126.8
Earned premiums 684.7 491.0 341.5 215.0 106.4

Balance on the technical account for general business 155.5 58.1 (56.0 ) (2.7 ) 1.3

Operating profit (loss) based on longer term investment return 124.4 45.6 (61.7 ) (5.9 ) 12.5

Profit (loss) before taxation 120.3 55.4 (81.5 ) (26.4 ) 18.3
Profit (loss) after taxation 83.3 44.2 (67.0 ) (19.1 ) 12.1
Equity dividends (9.7 ) (7.6 ) - (7.8 ) (7.8 )

Retained profit (loss) for the period 73.6 36.6 (67.0 ) (26.9 ) 4.3

Intangible assets 57.0 60.1 15.0 15.8 12.4
Other financial investments 1,048.4 773.9 510.4 440.5 426.1
Total assets * 1,951.4 1,766.7 1,521.9 993.7 801.3
Total liabilities (1,568.1 ) (1,459.9 ) (1,387.5 ) (795.1 ) (578.3 )

Equity shareholders’ funds * 383.3 306.8 134.4 198.6 223.0

Per-share results
Earnings per share
– basic 21.6p 14.1p (33.3p ) (9.6p ) 5.9p
– diluted 21.4p 14.1p (33.3p ) (9.7p ) 5.6p
Dividends per share 2.5p 2.0p - 4.0p 3.8p
Net assets per share * 99.3p 80.3p 66.4p 100.1p 108.0p
Tangible net assets per share * 84.6p 64.5p 59.0p 92.1p 102.0p

Share price (at 31 December) 128.0p 119.0p 86.5p 109.0p 85.5p

* The indicated amounts have been restated to the current policy whereby ‘Own shares’ are deducted from equity, where they were previously classed as an asset. The per-share amounts have been restated taking account of this change.

The additional information consisting of the five year summary, the shareholder register information and the syndicate participations have been prepared from the accounting and/or statutory records of the Group. While it does not form part of the statutory financial statement, it should be read in conjunction with them and the responsibilities section of the auditors’ report thereon.