Continuity in an uncertain world


The Audit Committee (the Committee) comprised throughout the year four non-executive directors, Lord Stewartby, Deputy Chairman, who is chairman of the Committee, and Messrs Kennedy, Mylvaganam and Sanders. On 1 January 2004, Mr Joslin joined the Committee as an additional member. The Chairman of the Company, the Group Chief Executive, the Finance Director and the head of Audit & Compliance usually attend the Committee’s meetings. At least once a year the Committee meets, both on its own and with the external auditors, without any executive management present.

The Board has satisfied itself that, upon the New Combined Code coming into effect for the Company on 1 January 2004, the Committee had at least one member with recent and relevant financial experience.

Terms of reference
The Committee’s terms of reference enable it to take an independent view of the appropriateness of the Group’s accounting policies and practices. It also considers the appointment and fees (both audit and non-audit) of the external auditors, who have unrestricted access to it, and monitors the Group’s compliance, internal control and risk management procedures. The Committee’s revised terms of reference, adopted for the Committee by the Board in November 2003, take full account of the Smith Report on the role of audit committees, for instance providing that all its members must be independent non-executives rather than just a majority.

The Committee's terms of reference are available in the corporate governance section of the Amlin website and from the Secretary on request.

The Committee meets a minimum of four times a year. It met five times during 2003, when attendance by committee members was as follows:

Audit Committee attendance 2003

Committee member Number of Committee
meetings attended

J M Kennedy 5
R W Mylvaganam 5
J R Sanders 4
Lord Stewartby 5

Average % attendance 95%

In addition to reviewing accounting policies, the Company’s interim and preliminary results statements and its Annual Report, the Committee reviewed and reported to the Board on: the managed syndicate’s Annual Report; the external auditors’ engagement and service plan; the plans, and work undertaken during the year, of the Group’s Internal Audit and Compliance Department; the external auditors’ independence and the extent and reasons for them providing non-audit services (a break down of the fees for which is set out in note 10 to the Accounts); and other related matters. Reports were received from the external auditors in respect of each set of financial statements, highlighting the material judgemental areas, which were then discussed by the Committee with executive management and the auditors at the relevant Committee meeting.

During the year the Committee operated enhanced procedures for approving any appointments of the external auditors (or its associated entities) to provide non-audit services.

Details of the Committee’s role regarding internal control issues are set out in the ‘Accountability and internal control’ section of the Board corporate governance statement.

The Committee also monitored the Group’s compliance with Lloyd’s, Financial Services Authority and other regulatory requirements and recommendations. Reports to the Committee from the Group’s Audit and Compliance department included summaries of the findings of internal audit reports, enabling members of the Committee to question the head of Audit and Compliance on such reports and to monitor the measures taken by management to respond to issues raised.

The Committee was updated during the year on technical accounting developments both by the external auditors and by the Group Finance Director. A special session, to which all directors were invited, was held to consider the nature, impact and timing of the introduction of International Accounting Standards to the Group’s financial reporting.

By Order of the Board, on the recommendation of its Audit Committee

C C T Pender Secretary
9 March 2004