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3i Group plc
Report and accounts 2006

Acknowledged for our partnership style


Long-term relationships

3i's reputation is critically dependent upon the relationships that we have built with business leaders around the world. We know that years of good work can be undone with one poorly handled interaction. In highly charged business situations, where views can easily differ, being able to put an alternative view in a straightforward and engaging way can go a long way to building good relationships. The importance attached to long-term relationships is a significant feature of 3i's culture.

With shareholders

As an investor ourselves, we appreciate the importance of good communications with our shareholders and providing opportunities for shareholders to express their views. Our investor relations website embodies our open approach.

With the teams we back

At 3i we recognise that our success depends upon the success of the management teams we back. We recognise that aligning interests, motivating the leaders of our portfolio companies to achieve exceptional performance and adding value to their boards and businesses is not just in 3i's short-term interests, but also central to our reputation.

With staff

Compelling employment propositions are just the start of attracting and retaining high-calibre staff around the world. 3i also offers a development culture and an organisation which is challenging, enjoyable and rewarding and where teamwork and a spirit of partnership are real.

With partners

There are many other people who contribute to making our business successful. These include professional advisers, vendors of businesses and buyers of our portfolio companies as well as suppliers to the Group. We aim to treat people with respect and to be a valued partner to them.


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