3i group plc Report and accounts 2004
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New investment analysis

Analysis of the equity, fixed income and loan investments made by the Group. This analysis excludes investments in joint ventures.
Investment by product (£m) 2004  2003  2002  2001  2000 
Buy-outs 492  482  361  687  579 
Growth capital 313  273  258  362  340 
Venture capital 174  176  420  923  457 
Total 979  931  1,039  1,972  1,376 
Investment by geography (3i only – excluding co-investment funds) (£m)
UK 309  318  377  786  705 
Continental Europe 401  304  312  560  306 
US 61  74  119  134  28 
Asia Pacific 13  20  26  49  31 
Total 784  716  834  1,529  1,070 
Investment by geography (including co-investment funds) (£m)
UK 375  399  443  1,006  894 
Continental Europe 526  436  446  770  422 
US 61  74  119  134  28 
Asia Pacific 17  22  31  62  32 
Total 979  931  1,039  1,972  1,376 
Continental European investment (£m)
Benelux 73  67  64  63  39 
France 89  36  84  117  84 
Germany/Austria/Switzerland 186  149  146  346  130 
Italy 19  32  13  64  48 
Nordic 106  69  90  16  – 
Spain 34  75  45  131  95 
Other European† 19  33  26 
Total 526  436  446  770  422 
† Other European includes investments in countries where 3i did not have an office at 31 March 2004.
Investment by FTSE industrial classification (£m)
Resources 11  12  15  67  17 
Industrials 219  328  110  256  201 
Consumer goods 306  194  206  371  167 
Services and utilities 290  197  352  482  546 
Financials 33  54  26  55  48 
Information technology 120  146  330  741  397 
Total 979  931  1,039  1,972  1,376 
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