


“The combination of Amlin’s underwriting expertise and a consistent philosophy of delivering gross underwriting profits is an extremely important differentiator of Amlin from its peers.”

To find out more about catastrophe modelling, please click here
To find out more about Amlin's Dynamic Financial Analysis Model click here

There are many aspects to the formulation of a strong underwriting philosophy and it is important to get it right at a strategic portfolio level and also at a detailed transactional level. The key aspects of Amlin’s philosophy are summarised below.

Underwriting, and particularly the ability to assess and price risk, is a critical skill set for Amlin. The Group aims to deliver an underwriting profit from each class of business in every year of underwriting. The importance of this to Amlin is emphasised constantly in the planning, execution and review of our underwriting. It is understood that to produce adequate returns on capital the Group cannot rely solely upon investment returns from premiums written, and that combined ratios must be low enough to generate underwriting returns through the insurance cycle.

Amlin’s portfolio of business is diverse by type or class of insurance and territorial scope. We aim to balance potentially volatile catastrophe type classes such as catastrophe reinsurance or energy with less volatile classes such as motor or marine cargo. This diversification provides us with returns from several independent lines of business which have limited correlation in terms of loss experience and pricing within the market cycle. Analysis carried out on our portfolio using our Dynamic Financial Analysis (“DFA”) modelling tool shows the strong benefits of this diversification on our risk profile.

Our portfolio is biased in favour of short tail risk. This means that for a very large part of our portfolio we will have a high level of confidence in the expected quantum of claims within 18 months of the expiry of each risk. The advantage of this is that we are able to assess any repricing needs faster than in respect of longer tail risks. We will also be less prone to the reserving difficulties which still plague so many in the industry.


The long tail risk that we underwrite is focused in areas where good actuarial modelling can help determine an acceptable price for risk or where the risk is catastrophe related, with claims arising from accidents rather than disease. We have a negligible involvement in areas such as Directors’ and Officers’ insurance, where systemic developments can arise, resulting in significant claims, the risk of which is not capable of proper evaluation at the time of pricing the risk.

To find out more about catastrophe modelling, please click here
To find out more about Amlin's Dynamic Financial Analysis Model click here

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