Glossary of terms and acronyms

- Adult basic education and training, aimed at improving literacy levels and providing learners with nationally recognised qualifications.
- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, a disease of the immune system caused by HIV infection. HIV & AIDS poses serious challenges for the government and the industry, as South Africa is one of the countries worst affected by the pandemic.
- Alternative Investment Market, a sub-market of the London Stock Exchange, that allows smaller companies to float shares with a more flexible regulatory system than is applicable to the main stock market.
- Anti-retroviral therapy, a treatment regimen for people with HIV & AIDS with anti-retroviral drugs.
- Black economic empowerment, referring specifically to the empowerment of historically disadvantaged South Africans (HDSAs); initiatives aimed at eliminating the economic legacy of apartheid in South Africa.
- Charter
- Broad-Based Socio-Economic Charter for the South African Mining industry. Document associated with the MPRDA.
- Code
- The Combined Code on Corporate Governance, referred to as 'the Code', is a set of principles of good corporate governance and provides a code of best practice aimed at companies listed on the London Stock Exchange.
- Corporate Social Responsibility.
- dBA
- Decibels - unit of sound measurement.
- Department of Minerals and Energy, South Africa (former name for the DMR).
- Department of Mineral Resources, (formerly DME), South Africa.
- Department of Trade and Industry, South Africa.
- Department of Water and Environmental Affairs, South Africa.
- EE
- Employment Equity Act (55 of 1998) - these guidelines enable employers to ensure that their human resource policies and practices are based on non-discrimination and reflect employment equity principles at the commencement of, during and when terminating employment.
- Environmental Management Programme.
- Environmental Management System.
- Fatal Injury Frequency Rate - the number of fatal injuries per million hours worked.
- Global Reporting Initiative - a multi-stakeholder process and independent institution the mission of which is to develop and disseminate globally applicable sustainability reporting guidelines. These standards set out principles and indicators that organisations can use to measure and report their economic, environmental and social performance.
- Historically disadvantaged South Africans defined by the MPRDA, this term refers to any persons or communities disadvantaged by unfair discrimination before the 1994 South African constitution came into effect.
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus which causes AIDS by infecting the helper T cells of the immune system. This virus is transmitted through blood or bodily secretions.
- HPDs
- Hearing protection devices.
- International Council on Mining and Metals representing many of the world's leading mining and metals companies as well as regional, national and commodity associations. ICMM members are committed to the responsible production of the minerals and metals society needs.
- Integrated development plans provided for by the Local Government Municipal Systems Act (32of 2000).
- International Labour Organization.
- International Standards Organization, a voluntary not-for-profit network of national standards instituted from 146 countries.
- ISO14001
- ISO standard relating to environmental management systems.
- International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
- Kimberley Process
- This is a joint governments, industry and civil society initiative to stem the flow of conflict diamonds rough diamonds used by rebel movements to finance wars against legitimate governments.
- Local economic development.
- Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate per million hours worked - refers to work-related injuries which result in the employee being unable to attend work on the day following the injury.
- Mine Health and Safety Act (29 of 2002), South Africa.
- Mining Charter
- Broad-Based Socio-Economic Empowerment Charter for the South African mining industry. The goal of the charter is to bring about an industry that reflects the promise of a non-racial South Africa.
- Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, (28 of 2002), which came into effect in South Africa on 11 May 2004 and regulates the granting of mining authorisations and prospecting permits.
- Mining Qualifications Authority, a Sector Education Training Authority for the Mining and Minerals Sector whose mission is to facilitate and promote human resources development inthe sector.
- Non-governmental organisation.
- Noise-induced hearing loss reported as the number of new cases per 1,000 employees identified and submitted for compensation during the reporting period.
- National Union of Mineworkers, South Africa the largest collective bargaining agent representing workers in the mining, energy and construction industries.
- Occupational lung disease - compensable cases reported per 1,000 employees.
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
- R
- South African rand (currency).
- Recommended Daily Allowance for recommended dietary nutrients and dietary vitamin intake.
- Rehabilitation
- The process of restoring mined land to a condition approximating to a greater or lesser degree its original state. Reclamation standards are determined by the South AfricanDepartment of Mineral Resources and address ground and surface water, topsoil, final slope gradients, waste handling and revegetation issues.
- Mining Sector Education Training Authority, South Africa.
- Safety, Health and Environment.
- SLPs
- Social and labour plans stipulated in the MPRDA and aimed at promoting the employment and advancement of the social and economic welfare of all South Africans whilst ensuring economic growth and socio-economic development.
- Small Medium and Micro Enterprises.
- Tailings
- The waste products of the processing circuit which may still contain very small quantities of the economic mineral.
- TB
- Pulmonary tuberculosis reported as the number of new cases of cardio-pulmonary and non cardio-pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosed during the reporting period.
- United Association of South Africa - a South African trade union.
- Voluntary counselling and testing, a programme aimed at encouraging voluntary HIV testing in order for individuals to know their status.
- World Health Organization.