Corporate Social Responsibility Policy Statement
Petra Diamonds firmly believes in the principle of sustainability and recognises the fundamental responsibilities that our business has towards the sustainable existence of the communities within which we operate.
Petra Diamonds is committed to not only meeting our social responsibility obligations in terms of compliance, but believes that it is this responsibility which governs how we do business and interact with the local communities surrounding our operations.
To achieve this Petra Diamonds is committed to the following responsibilities:
- To respect the rights and traditions of the indigenous communities in which we operate.
- To purposefully identify sustainable projects in conjunction with local leaders and authorities, which will serve the community, making a long term contribution to the sustainability of the local communities.
- To continuously monitor our Company’s involvement in CSR projects to ensure target groups are reached and mutual goals are attained.
- To find innovative ways of uplifting the communities within which Petra operates by balancing the availability of funds with the growing social needs of the community.
- To use training and skills development as a valuable tool to improve the lives of not only our employees but also the communities in which we operate.
- To have a holistic corporate and structured approach to CSR, in line with the Company’s code of business ethics and integrated in the Company’s core business.
- To ensure compliance to government legislation in terms of CSR and move beyond this to make a meaningful contribution to the local communities in which we operate.
- To empower operations with the necessary financial and human resources required to ensure CSR initiatives are effective.
These responsibilities are based on a mutual respect that exists between Petra Diamonds and the local communities in which we operate. This is demonstrated time and again through successful projects which have far reaching positive impacts on the lives of the people in these communities.
To this end, Petra Diamonds is viewed as a positive contributor to the social upliftment of the local communities and the Company’s contributions will continue to make a positive impact in these local communities for a significant period once mining operations cease.