- Group results and dividend
- Strategic direction
- Governance
- The Board
- Investing in the community
- People
- Outlook

This has been a particularly active year in which we have taken two important strategic steps. The planned sales of four of our UK Gas Distribution networks for £5.8 billion means we can return £2 billion of value to our shareholders and repay around £2.3 billion of debt when the sales are completed. We also acquired the UK operations of Crown Castle International Corp. for £1.1 billion and are now the UK’s leading independent provider of wireless infrastructure services.
In everything we do, safety is paramount. I am therefore pleased that we have achieved still higher standards of safety across the Group in our drive towards our target of zero incidents.
Our operational performance has also been good and we have continued to achieve world-leading standards of reliability in the delivery of energy. In the UK last year, we delivered all but one unit in five million units of the electricity demanded – a standard bettered only once in the last decade.
We are proud that, for a second year, the strength of our performance has been recognised by our 2nd place ranking in Business in the Community’s Corporate Responsibility Index. Indeed, we have been rated as the top utility in this index for the second year running.
Group results and dividend
These achievements complement a successful set of financial results despite the continued weakness of the US dollar, the impact of a warm winter on our UK Gas Distribution business and increased replacement expenditure.
The Group delivered a solid financial performance for the year ended 31 March 2005. We have continued to drive adjusted earnings per share*, up 6% over the same period last year from 33.9 pence† to 35.9 pence.
Adjusted operating profit* rose by 3% from £2,148 million†‡ to £2,212 million, based on a constant US dollar/sterling exchange rate.
In the light of these results and our confidence in the Group’s longer-term prospects, your Board is recommending a final dividend of 15.2 pence per ordinary share (US$1.3869 per American Depositary Share (ADS)). This brings the total dividend for the year to 23.7 pence per ordinary share (US$2.1734 per ADS). This will bring dividend growth of nearly 40% since the merger of the Lattice and National Grid groups. From this higher dividend level, we will then maintain our target of 7% annual dividend growth over the three years to March 2008.
The return of £2 billion to shareholders, following the planned sales of the UK Gas Distribution networks, will be by way of a B share scheme, followed by a share consolidation. This will provide shareholders with the choice of receiving the return as a dividend or as a repurchase of B shares. More information on this is provided in the Circular to Shareholders.
Strategic direction
Our strategy remains focused on creating value for shareholders through growing organically by investing in our network infrastructure and operating it more effectively, as well as through selective acquisitions. We continue to exercise strict discipline in the allocation of capital to ensure that any acquisition is capable of enhancing value – no other criteria being acceptable.
To strengthen our Group identity after the planned sales of four of our UK Gas Distribution networks, the Board is proposing to change the Group name from National Grid Transco to National Grid. This will reflect the new shape of the Group and achieve a consistent identity in the UK and the US, where we have been unable to use the Transco name.
Since the formation of National Grid Transco, we have been committed to pursuing leading governance practices. We strive for constant improvement through rigorous annual evaluation of our Board and Executive effectiveness, which is described in Corporate Governance.
Modern boards, operating internationally, face constant change on many fronts. During the year, we have positioned the Group for the introduction of the new International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as well as embarking on extensive preparations for reporting management’s internal control assessment under Sarbanes-Oxley in 2006/07.
The Board
Increasingly, important work is delegated to Board Committees. We are fortunate that ours are led by highly competent Non-executive Directors who report regularly to the Board on key issues, decisions and recommendations. In order to ensure that Committees are refreshed and the workload spread, Committee membership has recently been reviewed and adjustments made.
The Nominations Committee has paid careful attention to the preparation of succession and development plans for Executive Directors and the leadership group below the Board. We also consider, on a regular basis, our Non-executive Director succession plans and development needs as well as ensuring our skill and experience mix is fit for purpose.
As announced at last year’s Annual General Meeting, Deputy Chairman James Ross retired from the Board in October 2004 on the second anniversary of the merger. I would like to record my very deep appreciation for the significant contribution that James made to the establishment of our new Group. James’s role as Senior Independent Director has been taken on by Ken Harvey. I am pleased to announce the appointment of John Allan, Chief Executive of Exel plc, as a new Non-executive Director with effect from 1 May 2005. We wish Ken and John every success in their new roles.
Investing in the community
We continue to place considerable emphasis on our relationships with the local communities we serve and the wider social needs of the societies in which we operate. In order to enhance Group-wide co-ordination across our operations, a new Social Policy Committee has been established, which will absorb the previous valuable work undertaken by the National Grid Transco Foundation. The Committee is chaired by Roger Urwin, our Group Chief Executive.
One initiative of which I am particularly proud is the Young Offender Training and Employment Programme, which won a National Training Award for outstanding achievement in 2004. This year, the scheme was also commended by two parliamentary committees as making a real contribution to the rehabilitation of offenders. The programme trains young offenders in the final stages of their prison sentences. On completion of the course, they are offered available jobs in their home areas. National Grid Transco is spearheading the national roll-out of this Government-backed programme. Over the past year, some 50 companies have committed to replicate the scheme across a range of business sectors.
We have achieved a great deal this year – and none of it would have been possible without the skills and dedication of everyone in the Group. I would like to thank the Executive team for its strong leadership and all our employees for their commitment and enthusiasm to achieving our aim to be the world’s premier network utility.
In particular, I pay tribute to the considerable efforts of all those involved in the complex network sales process in the UK and the readiness of our employees to respond to calls for help in the US when Florida was devastated by hurricanes.
The continued robust performance of our businesses across the Group underpins our confidence that we will continue to create value for shareholders, earning premium returns through the delivery of our strategy.

Sir John Parker