2. DIVISIONAL ANALYSIS Turnover Trading  Profit Net Assets
1999 1998 1999 1998 1999 1998
£m £m £m £m £m £m

Home Shopping
- United Kingdom & other 1,787.5 1,720.4 105.5 126.4 788.3 667.3
- Continental Europe 373.7 356.4 29.3 29.3 247.8 227.2

2,161.2 2,076.8 134.8 155.7 1,036.1 894.5
Argos 1,812.1 116.0 245.9
Experian 898.5 615.3 192.2 141.9 287.5 210.1
Finance Division 235.8 227.2 112.6 116.9 1,180.8 1,117.0
Burberry 206.9 254.5 10.7 24.9 85.5 103.7
Overseas Retailing 152.1 188.9 42.7 47.9 133.1 144.8
Property 31.9 41.3 249.0 262.4

5,466.6 3,362.7 640.9 528.6 3,217.9 2,732.5

Goodwill (principally Argos) (72.6) 1,503.5
Exceptional items 9.4 68.6

Profit on ordinary activities before interest 577.7 597.2
Net interest (expense)/income (127.3) 26.5

Profit before taxation 450.4 623.7

Net (borrowings)/cash (including non-recourse borrowings) (2,069.8) 284.9
Loan to BL Universal PLC - Senior debt 45.0
Dividends and taxation (242.5) (286.8)
Acquisition consideration due (537.7)
Exceptional VAT balances 72.6

Net assets 2,409.1 2,310.5

The trading profit for the Property Division represents the Group's share of the trading profit of the joint venture, BL Universal PLC. The net assets of the Property Division comprise the Group's share of the net assets of the joint venture of £110.2m (1998 £92.4m) and loans to the joint venture (other than the Senior debt) of £138.8m (1998 £170.0m).

by destination
by origin
Trading Profit Net Assets
1999 1998 1999 1998 1999 1998 1999 1998
£m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m

United Kingdom 3,971.7 2,129.5 4,119.1 2,238.0 403.6 326.9 2,584.7 2,158.4
Western Europe 642.0 468.8 534.1 419.8 39.1 32.9 277.6 257.6
North America 659.2 545.7 653.6 536.3 148.6 115.9 225.2 182.8
Rest of World 193.7 218.7 159.8 168.6 49.6 52.9 130.4 133.7

5,466.6 3,362.7 5,466.6 3,362.7 640.9 528.6 3,217.9 2,732.5

Goodwill (72.6) 1,503.5
Exceptional items 9.4 68.6

577.7 597.2
Net interest (expense)/income (127.3) 26.5

Profit before taxation 450.4 623.7

Net (borrowings)/cash (including non-recourse borrowings) (2,069.8) 284.9
Loan to BL Universal PLC - Senior debt 45.0
Dividends and taxation (242.5) (286.8)
Acquisition consideration due (537.7)
Exceptional VAT balances 72.6

Net assets 2,409.1 2,310.5